Monday, January 21, 2008

Kirtland, Ohio

I am writing from Kirtland, Ohio, where Carl and I have been learning more about our heritage. We had an incredible meeting in the Kirtland Temple Friday night and Saturday spent an afternoon in the John Johnson Family Home (Carl's fourth great grandfather) where Joseph Smith received 16 revelations that are now part of the D&C. Since we were the only tourists there (it is very cold and stormy!) we weren't rushed through and were able to sit in the Revelation Room and talk about the wondrous events that occurred there and to read from D&C 76 and to soak in the beautiful feeling that filled the room. We also went through the home where Eliza R. Snow and her brother Lorenzo Snow lived when in Kirtland. It is privately owned, but the owners are friends of Carl's cousins, John and Carol, with whom we are staying and they took us through the house. Again, an amazing experience. Today we are going to the Morley farm and to see the site where some of my family lived, Thomas Rice King and his wife Melinda Robison. We return home tomorrow. I'll write more about it then. All I can say now is that my heart is very full!


  1. what a marvelous experience! I hope you post photos!

  2. I love your music on your blog. When I get homesick I just turn up my computer and leave it on while I clean. It reminds me of all the times people would always turn it off too. Driving in the car with you. :)

  3. No one turns it off any more! Nice.

  4. I am visiting from Laresa's blog.
    Sounds like you are having a great time! I love your picture and I enjoy reading your thoughts. I met you when you spoke in Camden ward and it was such a pleasure. My husband's name is Carl as well.

  5. Connie, thank you for the kind words and for leaving a comment. I LOVE COMMENTS! We're home now and Carl took some wonderful pictures. As soon as he uploads them I'll explain more about the trip. It was amazing!
