Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Leave Your Birthday Gifts Here!

This is a big one. I'm entering my sixth decade. I've never before had a birthday bother me, but I must confess this one did until last week. Suddenly I realized that instead of dreading it, I should be grateful. I'm alive. I'm healthy. And when I really thought about it I realized that nothing would change. Nothing! Life is wonderful and for the past 60 years it has done nothing but get better every year so why would I think that would stop? I'm expecting this sixth decade to be the best yet!
Not only that but so far the birthday celebrating has been amazing! Sunday Mariah cooked a marvelous vegetable lasagna for my birthday dinner. My mother came and Talena flew in from California to surprise me! Last night a group of students dropped by to sing Happy Birthday and then they sang for me (very beautifully) some songs a friend and I had written a number of years ago. One of the songs I'd never heard performed before. I was so touched by the fact that they would take the time to learn the songs and then come sing them to me. It was amazing.
Wow! I really do think I'm going to like the 60s!
You can leave me a birthday gift here. Just make a comment telling me what you consider the greatest accomplishment of your life. Don't hold back. Don't be shy. Tell me about how great your life is. I really want to hear it.


  1. I love you. Happy Birthday.
    your #1 daugher Laresa

  2. Happy Birthday Mom!!! I don't know what my greatest accomplishment is but I do know that my life is great and that has to do with a lot from you! Thanks for being such a great Mom!

  3. Happy Birthday Mom!

    From Meleah's Friend!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I am so happy that you are my mom. I think my greatest accomplishment to date is the delight of my life: Eli. Mothering is such a wonderful gift. Thanks for being my mom :)

  5. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a lovely day and year.

    From another friend of Meleah.

  6. Happy 60th!! You have always been such an amazing example to me of a wife, mother, friend, and spiritual advisor. Thanks for being just who you are!! (and raising so many wonderful children that love to laugh:)

    My greatest accomplishment, as cliche as it may be, is my children. They are talented, beautiful, healthy, kind, and growing in the gospel each day. They have so many questions and insights into life and I love teaching them.

    Let's do lunch soon!!
    Kristi (Bangerter) Williams

  7. Happy Birthday Meleah's Mom!

    You must be pretty awesome to have such a cool daughter :)

  8. Happy Birthday. My accomplishment: Jane. I love being a mom. Wouldn't change it for anything. Love you.

  9. Happy birthday!!!
    I can't really think about a great accomplishment, but I do know I wouldn't even have the great life that I do if it wasn't for you!! Thank you for wanting to be a mom!!

  10. Happy Birthday, I am a friend of your daughter Mariah. If she is anything like you then we would get along great.

    My greatest accomplishment would have to be discovering my testimony. I knew I had one but then at the age of 29 I truelly found it and for the next 8 years have built on it.

  11. Thanks for the comments. You all made my birthday wonderful!
    Kristi, just name the day and Mariah and I will be there for lunch!

  12. How's March 8th? I'll be in town for my daughter's dance workshop.

  13. Here's a belated birthday wish for you (from one February birthday to another). I LOVE your blog and appreciate the way it is helping me get my perspective back on track. (One of) my greatest accomplishment(s) is that I've learned to be a good record keeper with my blogs and photos. :)
