Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More Scripture Power

I was twenty-eight years old when I began a daily scripture study habit. I consider the day I began this habit my birth day. I might have come into the world twenty-eight years earlier, but I came alive that day.
I never would have been able to mother my nine children without the daily intake of spiritual vitamins and minerals the scriptures provide. I never would have made it through my undergrad and graduate school programs without the cardio-vascular exercise I found in the scriptures. I never would be able to navigate the vicissitudes of life without the emotional stamina and psychological strength training the scriptures give me.
The scriptures have given me personal mentors such as Peter, who fills me with hope that change and growth are possible. Moroni who teaches me about endurance. Esther who infuses me with courage. Miriam and Deborah who show me how to lead and influence. But most of all, my daily visit with my Savior through the scriptures is what sustains me. Besides the stories and examples from His life, the great speeches throughout the scriptures all teach me of Him and keep me focused on the most important things in life.
Even after thirty two years of studying, I continue to be surprised by how the scriptures were written just for me. I can be reading about young David escaping King Saul and someplace between the lines the Spirit whispers that I need to find and read a certain article. I can be reading about Abish running to tell the people about the miracle that was happening to the king, and the Spirit whispers what I need to do that day. I can be reading about Nephi building a ship and the Spirit whispers exactly what I need to do for one of my children. It never ceases to amaze me how the tender mercies of the Lord work through the scriptures.


  1. Wow Mom, That's really cool. I am 28, maybe I should follow in your footsteps and make a commitment to read diligently everyday. Sounds like really really good things come out of it. (I knew that already but to hear how it personally has effected you is inspiring.)

  2. Your thoughts and messages are inspiring. I love reading and pondering them. THANKS

  3. Thank YOU anonymous. I love it when people leave comments. You made my day.

  4. So motivating! I wholeheartedly agree!Great analogy.
