Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hair Today; Gone Tomorrow!

My son ended up cutting my hair! I can't believe all the changes Grizelda has brought into my life!

I tried not to cry, but I really am ugly! But I will be a healthy ugly, and I will save a lot of time!

Carl and Josh both shaved their heads as a show of love! Who'd ever have thought I'd share a hairstyle with the men in my life!

I did find a silver lining! (It is amazing. . .there ALWAYS is one!) I thought that when I woke up and saw myself after my "haircut" I'd cry, but I broke out laughing. Then I found that without hair the shower spurting on my head is a delightfully different feeling. It was like getting a message! So relaxing!!!

And the great big silver lining in all of this is my family. My children, my husband, my children-in-law have all been absolutely amazing. Before the haircut, we went to the temple with those who are here already and then my husband, assisted by sons-in-law who were here, my son, my bishop, our life-long friend, and my home teacher, gave me a beautiful blessing.

There are no words to express how wonderful my large, chaotic family is. I love them more than I can begin to express. They are taking good care of me!


  1. you are beautiful!!! With a perfectly shaped head. You are truely beautiful.

  2. I think you look lovely! You are a beautiful woman, inside and out. I am praying for you! You are a wonderful example!

  3. Wow! You are amazing! I can't believe all that you have taught me during this process. You are truly amazing. I want you to know that you look beautiful.

  4. You are truly beautiful mom- inside and out. Thank you for your inspiration.

  5. oop, sorry mom. I was commenting on your blog and I was signed in under your e-mail for your photo book.

  6. I agree with all the other comments. You have the PERFECT shaped head for this new hair style. That's cool about the massage from the shower. :) And what a wonderful thing to be able to receive a blessing from the Priesthood holders you love.

  7. I love the blogging world. You have help me in so many was. You make me laugh, and you make me cry. I fell the love of the Lord through what you share. I love you so much. I put your name on the pray roll again yesterday. You are one beautiful lady. One I am glad to call my friend.

  8. You are always beautiful and if you need a few knit caps of the softest yarn...I am your girl!!!

  9. Mom,
    I love it!!! I actually love short hair! You are so amazing!!!

  10. Cyber Hugs to you Sherrie- YOU are such a gift in my life.

  11. Sherrie,
    I am so grateful everything turned out ok. I hope the recovery process will be quick. You certainly have a lot of friends and family praying for you. Through all our adversities, Christ does make every thing right.
    Rose Wingo
