Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Love of God

In my four-year-old grandson's Primary, the children were shown a picture of Joseph and Mary riding a donkey to Bethlehem. The children were asked if they knew who the people in the picture were. No one knew, but Eli raised his hand and said, "I don't know who they are, but why is a pregnant lady going camping?"

Since my daughter told me that story, I can't quit thinking about it. Why would a pregnant woman travel the 90+ miles to Bethlehem? Why would she leave her mother at the time she was about to deliver her first child? From that point there is no stopping the questions that tumble forth. Why would that child grow to be such a selfless man? Why would He suffer for us? Why were we so important to Him? Why?

There is only one answer to all the questions; Because of the love of God which resided in both of them. They loved God; therefore, they obeyed Him. Love is a powerful enabler and when the love of God resides in us, we too can do all that we are called upon to do.


  1. Thanks for the e-mail. :) Your love of God is highly visible in your writing. I love Him too--that's one of the reasons I can keep getting back up and trying again every time I feel so discouraged. And I love you even though I've only met you once. Thanks for all you do to influence me and others for good. :)

  2. Sweet story! My 4 y.o. grandson was asking his mom what a manger was and so forth (they were singing away in a manger) The next morning he went into his preschool and said "Ms. Barbara, they put the baby Jesus in a hay bucket cause there was no room at the mowtel! Too cute!

  3. Hi Sherrie. I got your blog address from Heidi Paget and have really enjoyed it, although less frequently since Kaden was born:). I love all of the spiritual insites. Thanks for the comments you've left. We just made our blog private but if you send me your email address I'll send you an invite. I hope all is well.
