Monday, December 15, 2008

The Verdict Is In

My adorable sister brought my mom down today. It was her birthday so we went to lunch to celebrate and then she took me hat shopping. My daughter who lives here came with and we had a delightful time. I bought two felt hats! Simply stunning. Maybe I'll start a new style!!! I also bought two scarves to tie around my head. Just think--next time you're trying to get your hair to do what you want it to, I'm not. I think I'm going to like not having to take care of hair.

After we found the hats, we were browsing in a game store and the phone call came. The scans where clean which means there are no more tumors which would normally be very good news. But in this case it means that instead of being able to simply biopsy a tumor in my arm pit or glands, they have to cut open my head, move back my brain, drill into the orbital, and biopsy the tumor. Not fun!

Once the pathologist pronounces the verdict, they will make a decision as to what to do with the tumor. I won't know until I wake up what they've done to me. Talk about uninformed!

The surgery will be on Friday at 3:00 pm. That's exactly the time one of my New Testament classes will be taking their final. I'd rather be there agonizing with my students who I love, but the Lord has other plans for me. So, I'll go where He wants me to go in my new black felt hat. I've even decided that the first time I wear it to Church, I'm not going to let it bother me that I'm the only woman in a hat.

The only thing I really fear is that once they expose my brain they'll discover there is nothing in there! I've done such a good job of hiding that fact all these years!

I hope you're laughing with me. It helps. But at the same time I want you to know I am still at peace. I don't know how people who have no faith get through life! The gospel is true! It really works in our lives. The Spirit is with me and I know that everything is eventually going to be all right.


  1. Hey Mom you would fit right in here in South Carolina with that hat. I can't wait to see you.

  2. Thank you for your friendship and love. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I have been and will be praying for you. I love you!

  3. I can't wait to see how beautiful you look in your hat. I absolutely love hats! You are such an inspiration to me. I will continue to pray for you and will say a special prayer for you on Friday. I wish I could be there with you to hold your hand and give you a hug before you go into surgery. Have dad give your hand three squeezes from your happiNISS :)

  4. This is such heartbreaking news, Sherrie; you are loved and admired by so many! Your thoughts are touching and inspiring, and in the midst of everything - you still have a sense of humor!
    Please know that prayers of your admirers will be directed to Heaven from everywhere in your behalf. If prayers will heal you, then surely you will, and your family and friends can enjoy the blessing of your presence for years to come. . .

  5. Dearest Sherrie, This is such a wonderful way to know what is going on with you!!! I hope you know how much we love you & are praying for you!! We are so lucky to have the gospel & the peace it are amazing (but, your attitude is not a surprise to me...just a continuation of your wonderful faith filled spirit)!! You are in our prayers & will continue to be!!! Good luck on Friday!!!
    Love, The Fellers

  6. I'm a big fan of hats--except the kind I wear are more of the baseball-type variety. Felt hats are much better for church. ;) Thank you again for sharing your news laced with humor and faith. You will be in my prayers (and lots of other's prayers too, it sounds like). I hope you will continue to feel peace from the Spirit on Friday. :)
