Wednesday, January 7, 2009

F + H + C = Miracles

I’ve had a lot of time to think about miracles lately. I’ve also said many a prayer expressing thanks for the miracles I’ve received. One of the things I’ve learned in this process is that faith is an essential principle for facilitating miracles, but not the only principle. Faith as an essential principle I already knew. As a matter of fact, it is the only principle I'd considered as part of a miracle. What I hadn’t realized is that there is more to miracles than faith. Two other essential principles that facilitate miracles are hope and charity or, as Mormon calls it, the pure love of Christ. (See Moroni 7:47.) Together, faith, hope, and charity ALWAYS facilitate miracles.

As I’ve been reading in the Book of Mormon it has confirmed this finding. In every instance when faith, hope, and charity exist miracles happen. That isn’t a coincidence!


  1. I'm a believer in even the smallest of miracles. And the one I'm most thankful for today is that the sun came back out after all that snow. I'm so thankful for the effect that sunshine has on me. :)

  2. Good Morning! Just stopping by to read your latest bit of inspiration :) I think miracles happen everyday and we just have to slow down enough to notice!!!
    (((hugs))) to you and a prayer for continued recovery! You are beautiful no matter where this journey takes your hair!!!

  3. Wendi, Oh yes, sun! It was absolutely gorgeous today with all that white earth and the sun glistening on the snow and the brilliant blue sky above! Sun does more than warm!

  4. Connie, Glad to hear from you again, and I agree miracles happen daily. That's one of the good things that has happened to me--God slowed me down and I'm noticing miracles all around me. Thanks for your prayers. You are wonderful!
