Monday, January 26, 2009

Little Things Make a Difference!

My grandson, Aaron.

Since 25 of my 29 grandchildren live far away, I don’t get to see them very often. I’m lucky if I see them once a year, but I get to talk to them on the telephone once in awhile. It isn’t quite the same as a personal visit, and I find myself wondering if it even makes a difference in their lives. Does it help establish relationships or any kind of bonding? The younger ones don’t have the attention span to carry on much of a conversation. The grade schoolers don’t seem to like or know how to talk on the phone, and the teenagers don’t want to be bothered.

Then last week I found my answer. I decided these short conversations might have more value to them than I imagined—even to the younger children. I was talking to three-year-old Aaron from California. We chatted for a few moments about what he was doing and then he abruptly said, “Goodbye.” So I said, “Goodbye. I love you.”

As he handed the phone to his mother, I heard him exclaim in a very excited voice, “She loves me!” My heart jumped right out of my chest with joy. I think that means our phone visits might be making a difference in his life, and I know they are making a big difference in mine!


  1. How cute is that?! :) When I was that age, I lived in Palmyra, New York and both sets of grandparents lived here. I think those phone calls are really important. EVERYONE wants to be loved by their grandma. :)

  2. Mom, thanks for posting about that experience, how touching, it made me cry. I booked my ticket for women's conference.

  3. Never fear, Sherrie, words and moments from Grandmas are magical to every child. How wonderful you have so many to share the magic of your love with. They and you are fortunate, indeed.

  4. Wendi, Thank you for the good advice. I never had a grandmother so I didn't experience that.

  5. Talena, Thanks for giving me four wonderful grandchildren to have experiences with!!!

  6. Anonymous, Thanks for the kind words. I do know I impressed my grandchildren with the "zipper" in my head. That had to seem magical! Four year old Luke kept asking me to take off my hat so he could make sure it was still there!

  7. Hi Sherrie, I've been reading your blog for a few months and have enjoyed your insight of gospel principals. Having grandchildren is the iceing on the cake. When they say they love you, I feel like everything is worth while. Jenny has two boys and lives in Iowa. We each have a web cam so we can talk to them face to face. Are you really going to be coming to the WB next month?

  8. DeRae, How wonderful to hear from you! I like the web cam idea. I need to get one of those! And yes, I am going to speak in WB on the 28th of February. I can't wait to see you!
