Saturday, January 10, 2009

My New Vision

We are finally trying to put away the Christmas decorations. But it is a slow process for me. You don’t realize how far half-strength is from full-strength until you don’t have full-strength anymore! I work (slowly!) for about a half-hour, then I have to sit down and catch my breath. But there are fun things happening also. Today a good friend came by and showed me how to wear scarves on my head. I bought some before the surgery and tried to wear them, but they looked awful. Paula showed me what I was doing wrong. Now I’m about ready to appear in public! I just hope the hair around my scar quits falling out so I’m not completely bald. If things keep on like this, I may need to wear scarves for the rest of my life!

Something no one prepared me for is that all my senses are intensified. Sounds, smells, brightness, touch, tastes are all much more acute. Things I used to love to eat, now make me nauseous. Other things I eat taste as if they came right from the Garden of Eden. A soft blanket, that before I wouldn’t even have noticed, sends a tickle of delight through my whole being. I don’t need to eat a donut—smelling it is much better. The sun glinting on the snow hurts my eyes terribly, but colors are brighter and more intense. It is like I am experiencing the world for the first time! Every day I discover something old but new. I just hope I never lose this new “vision.” It is wonderful.


  1. Dear Sherrie, Hang in there...we're praying for & rooting for you!!!
    Love, The Fellers

  2. Maybe you've become "Super Sherrie" or our own version of the "Bionic Woman". Once your hair grows back, you can go around saving everyone from negative, faithless thinking everywhere! :) Or maybe your scarves and hats can be your trademark. When people see that spiffy head-wear coming, they'll know the day is saved! Seriously, though, I hope your full strength returns sooner than later. And that's actually really cool that donuts smell as good as they might normally taste. (That always helps the after-holidays figure.) :)

  3. Thanks again for sharing all your insights. I love it. You are an inspiration to me!

  4. HI Sherrie. I'm not actively teaching this year because of my Draper Temple assignment, but I'm actively praying for you. RoseAnn tells me that your progress is miraculous and I am soooo grateful. Take good care of yourself--mothers of ten must stick together through life's ups and downs!

    Sally Wyne

  5. Sally, I've missed you. Thanks for your prayers. I have felt them! What is your temple assignment? I hope all is going well for you!

  6. Sherrie, was researching 'threshing sled' (Isa 41:15) when I stumbled upon your blog. What a blessing your thoughts have been to me today. May God return it to you one hundred fold.

    Ken Bower

  7. Ken, Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Those threshing sleds are interesting, aren't they!
