Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sunshine in My Soul

Today I got to go do my Visiting Teaching! It felt so good to get out and visit! The sun even came out to cheer me on my way. What more can a person ask for !!

A wonderful friend sent me this link today and it was so good, I thought I’d share it with all of you. It is a panel discussion on religions at Harvard University. A young woman named Rachel Esplin, a junior at Harvard, represents the LDS Church and does a beautiful job of answering the questions.

Let me know how you enjoy it.


  1. I was just thinking...oh my goodness how in the world did the month pass without doing v.t. and sometimes thinking it is one more thing to do...can you imagine what an eye opener this was for me... I got to instead of I have to!!! Often we take "ordinary" abilities and routines for granted. thank you for your continued inspiration and insight!!!

  2. Connie, It is good to hear from you again. That's one thing this adventure with Grizelda has done for me is make me appreciate abilities and routines!

  3. Rachel Esplin did a wonderful job. Whatever her life mission is, I have no doubt she will be very successful.

  4. I'm a visiting supervisor in my ward and that's the kind of attitude I love to hear about. :) And sunshine cheers me up more than anything else! One of my friends had that video on her blog yesterday morning and I enjoyed it too. In fact, I posted it on almost all of my blogs. She really did do a wonderful job. :)

  5. Karen, She was so articulate and for her age had such a grasp of the doctrines. I'm glad you liked it.

  6. Wendi, I love VT. I've grown close to sisters I never would have gotten to know otherwise. The gospel has so many joys for us!

  7. kelly, I'm glad you liked it. She summed things up so well and was so confident! Thanks for your comments!
