Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Expecting Spring

I am expecting my crocus to push their way into the world any day now. I love how they suddenly brighten my lifeless yard and distribute color so generously. I’ve come to expect it now, but we moved into our home many years ago in August when everything was dying. We had no idea the crocus there, and how surprised we were that next spring to see rows and rows of crocus and then tulips and daffodils and hyacinths. After the long winter, the yard was ablaze with brilliant color that I hadn’t done a thing to make happen. The previous home-owner had planted it all, but God was in charge, and in the divine order of things He made it bloom.

Our lives are like that. We have our winters and our springs. We go through cycles and processes of learning. But through it all, God is in charge and His divine order is directing every summer and every autumn of our lives. What we must remember is that even through the crocus seems to suddenly appear, it has been developing and preparing the whole winter long. There cannot be spring without winter and no autumn without summer. Each season is necessary and can’t be rushed. Our only job is to trust in the divine order and be patient. God is in charge of our lives and He will make them bloom.


  1. My mom came over to spend my birthday with me today. We just read this post and enjoyed it. Thank you for the reminder of spring and for the encouragement during the winter. I'm thankful that the Lord is in charge and that he can help us bloom, in spite of our challenges. :)

  2. How true this is and a good reminder, especially in the dreary days of winter. Thank you for posting the quote from Jeffery R. Holland. It is one of my favorites and I had lost my copy, couldn't remember who said it, and had missed looking at it very much. I will not lose it this time. Thank you, Cathie Totten

  3. I also appreciate your words of encouragement from Elder Holland.

    And I would love it if you would leave a comment on my birthday wish post. No pressure, but here's the address, if you're interested.


    Thanks! :)

  4. Wendi, Happy Birthday!! I hope this coming year is your best year ever!

  5. Cathie, I'm glad you like the quote. It is one of my favorites also. So much hope!!!

  6. Thanks so much, Sherrie. You made my day with your comment on my blog. It's been such a special birthday with such great advice pouring in from the people I love and admire, like yourself. I hope your birthday is wonderful too. :)

  7. So I've decided that you need to make your blog into a book! Short but sweet sayings and stories! I love reading your blog and everything you have to say touches me and puts perspective into my life! Love ya!

  8. Jessie, How I wish you were an editor! Thank you for you kind words. You are wonderful!!!

  9. Thanks Sherrie I needed that. Love ya.

  10. Barb, It is so good to hear from you! Love you, too! Keep blooming!!!
