Thursday, February 5, 2009

Party Time!

All right, what can I say! I’m another year older. But I prefer to think about the fact that I've gained more credibility! Since last birthday, I know more. I have more friends. I’ve traveled more. I’ve read more. I’ve had new experiences. I’ve conquered new challenges. I’ve loved more. I’ve been loved more. I’ve heard new music. I’ve tasted new foods. In short, I don’t understand all this dread of getting older! Bring it on! The older the better! At least until my birthday means I know less because I forget, have less friends because they’re dying, I’ve traveled less because my wheelchair won’t take me very far, I’ve read less because my eye sight is failing, I haven’t heard new music because music makes my hearing aid buzz, I haven’t tasted anything because my taste buds don’t work, and I’ve conquered less challenges because I can’t stay awake long enough to conquer. Then maybe I won’t like birthdays. But until then, let’s party—with or without hair!


  1. Happy Birthday to you, dear Sherrie. Have a wonderful celebration and the best part is that you are here and whole and you don't have to worry that your hair "do" will fail you for the pictures. You are beautiful the way you are right now and things will get even better in the weeks and monthes ahead. xoxoxox
    Cathie Totten

  2. That's a great attitude to have. Yay for you! And I love the picture of that cake! :)

  3. Happy Birthday! This post made me laugh because it's true. I also loved your post right before this one. Despite all the challenges you have face, you are an extremely lucky person! I personally think that your view on life is what makes your life so lucky and wonderful. You know how to turn challenges into blessings.

  4. Happy Birthday Sis. Johnson and I'm so lucky your daughter moved to SC now I have two wonderful new friends that add so much flavor to my life, or I could just be really really blessed. Love, TeLene

  5. Cathy, Thank you for the birthday wishes and yes it is good to be here and whole!! You know the feeling! You've lived it!

  6. Wendi, Isn't that cake fun!! Thank you for the heart box. It was amazing!

  7. Bethany, Thank you for the kind words and for the birthday wishes. I hope to get to know you better. Your baby is adorable!!!!

  8. TaLene, I'm glad my daughter moved to SC, too. You are such a delight and I look forward to seeing you again when I'm in SC. xoxoxoxo

  9. Happy Birthday dear Sherrie!! I love your positive outlook in life! You are an inspiration!! Have a wonderful year!

  10. Sandra, Thank you so much. You are so kind. I've so enjoyed the poinsettia! I'm sorry I've been negligent with thank you notes but I think of you daily whenever I see the plant!

  11. LuLu Belle, Thank you. It was a great birthday. I saw the adorable little girl's dresses on your blog! You are very talented!!!

  12. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuu, Happy Birthday!!!! Age is just a number...enjoyed your post...I always enjoy visiting with you :)

  13. Happy Birthday Sherrie!! Looking forward to many more, and to our dinner in a few weeks. It's an inspiration for me to read your blog. Thanks for your thoughts (writers think so deeeeeep), and your testimony.

  14. Connie, I saw where you recently had a birthday also! My celebration was a little calmer than yours!!! Thansk for visiting!

  15. Dear anonymous Brent, Thank you so much for the kind words and the birthday greeting. It will be good to see you again soon!
