Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hair Update

I went to Church today for the first time without a hat. I felt a little self-conscious at first, but it only took a few minutes to forget that I have no hair. (After all, I can’t see it!) But when I got to Church everyone was so nice and complimentary. I knew I could rely on my sisters to make me feel good! It is colder without the hat, but a hat wobbles around. Wearing a hat is less effort, but then you are always afraid it will fall off and reveal the disheveled mess underneath. I like the look of the hat. A hat seems to finish off an outfit, but then you have to have a hat for every outfit. So there are pros and cons. Do I go around with one inch hair, or do I wear a hat.

My daughter in Austin urged me (about twenty times a day!) to keep it this short and this color. So did my daughter Mariah. I was surprised how many people at Church today said the same thing. So I’m posting before and after pictures and asking for your opinion. Hat or no hat? Let my hair grow or keep it short? Leave it this salt and pepper gray or color it? So many decisions!


  1. You don't know me. My sister sent me the address for your blog telling me it brightens her day. I also enjoying reading and absorbing some of your insights.
    Anyway, I love the short "do". It makes you look spunky and youthful! Besides, not much upkeep!

  2. Golding Group, thanks for the input. I'm surprised at how many like it short!

  3. I've always loved your blonde hair and it always looks great, but I gotta say this new "do" shows a new side to you. You have a great facial structure, which is very attractive and short hair shows it off nicely. Also, the color is fine and really brings out your blue eyes. I agree with the last comment, it does make you look younger in a fun and carefree way. You're ready for anything, anytime. Keep the hat for avoiding too much sun :-)

    Cathie Totten xoxoxo

  4. Cathie, Thanks for the vote. This new hairdo does make me feel a little impish! But then you know I've always had a mischievous side to me!

  5. Kepp it short! I love the pixie look-it's so fun and adorable. It really suits you.

  6. Another vote for the short! Short hair makes you look spunky, it's low maintenance,and just think about the money you'll saved on hair supplies!

  7. Amy, It is so good to hear from you! I hope all is going well for you. I miss you! I'm surprised that you like it short.

  8. Sherrie - I have to vote along with the rest of the Austin contingent. Your hair looks fabulous short and natural. If I had my choice, I'd wear my hair short all the time. However, my boy friend likes longer hair so I'm trying to let it grow out a little! Short hair is so much easier to take care of...especially if you're like me and can't manage a hair dryer or curling iron. I keep telling my hair dresser she can let my hair get longer -- as long as I don't have to do anything to it. She says I'm asking for miracles! As you know -- they do happen! Hugs! Another vote for short and sassy!

  9. Favorite Sis!!! Thanks for the vote. I'm still not quite sold but so many are voting for short there may be something here I'm not recognizing!

  10. Wendy, I like the sassy part! And as people keep pointing out it is less work. Even my husband likes it. Maybe this is a time for a new me?

  11. OH, Mom absolutely leave it short! I love it! Short hair is so much easier to manage and take care of. If JD had a choice he would want me to have long hair like it was when we got married. But, with four kids and a busy life I love my short hair. How was your trip to Austin?

  12. Talena, Thanks for the vote. So far all my daughters have said short and my son and two grandsons that live here in the house have said long just like JD. I'm beginning to think this is a gender thing!

  13. I LOVE it short!!! Maybe a little longer then it is now, but only a little. BTW-thanks for coming and seeing me!!! I miss you already!

  14. MY vote is short. You know me I love the natural look too. It does look young and spunky.
    I kept telling my hair dresser about how much you have colored your hair. She was wondering if it was going to come in blonde. It is nice to see a picture so I can tell her it didn't come in blonde. :) Love ya'

  15. Hi Sherrie. Since I use to cut your hair, I would add my vote for the shorter hair. It is healthier to quit dying your hair. As much as I have been around chemicals most of my life, I am now alergic to them. I don't perm my hair or color with the strong chemicals. And I also don't work in my salon.

  16. Sherrie- It is so very shiek and sofisticated short. I know having longer hair may make you feel more feminine but short is ageless. The con here would be you don't need to look any 'smarter'. I know everyone will love you and your words no matter how long or short your hair is! love ya ;)

  17. Laresa, Thanks for your vote!I need all the spunk I can get.

  18. DeRae, It is so good to hear from you! I am beginning to get the message here--but you are the first to mention color. It isn't as gray as I thought it would be and it is evenly distributed so it isn't all that bad.

  19. Dusty, You are too kind! Sheik sounds good, but I'm not sure I can pull it off! I hope all is going well with you. I haven't heard from you in awhile! Miss ya! Aren't you coming here soon?

  20. I agree with all of the comments above. You looked beautiful with long hair--but there is a ton of maintenance with that kind of hair-do. This way, you not only look young, but it's easier and healthier. And I agree that you look great and polished in a hat, but going without will always be easier. We'll all love you no matter what you choose. Oh, and boys will always say "long". Women know how difficult that order is! Whatever you do, you'll look beautiful. :)

  21. Wendi,That is the problem why I'm not sold on short hair. To me I look older in the short hair and there is no way I want to look older!

  22. Well, in that case, you could just grow it until you feel happy with it. :) I think you look young and stylish with short hair. And I think you look young and elegant with long hair. Both ways make you look YOUNG. :)

  23. I vote for short and natural color. You look younger!

  24. Rosemary, I appreciate your advice. I am surprised that there hasn't been one vote for long and blond!

  25. Sherrie for sure you need to go back to long blond hair. It is the real you, the beautiful, soft, youthful you. I have always admired your hair. It defines you- your whole image. I vote definatly long and blond.

  26. You are so pretty! I like the short hair on you, maybe a bit longer than it is now.

  27. Christy, Finally a vote for long and blond! There needed to be at least one! Thanks.

  28. Karen, Thanks for the compliment. I'll keep growing the hair a little and see what happens. Who knows, I might get converted to short hair.

  29. You look younger with it longer and died, but you don't look bad with it short- Maybe a little longer though if you decided to stick with it.
    - Becky

  30. Becky, Thanks for reaffirming my thoughts! It is going to be interesting to see how things grow!

  31. As I was reading through your long list of comments here, I thought I was going to be the lone vote for long and blond. It's good to see there are a few others who hope to see it a bit longer, too. I don't know if I think it has to be as long as it was, but longer is definitely my vote. You're looking great right now, though!

    I enjoy perusing your blog! It's very inspirational.

  32. Candy, Thank you so much for the kind words about the blog. And thanks for your vote. This has been very interesting!

  33. Your eyes are so stunning...either way is good, I like the short b/c it is spunky and you can wear FABULOUS earrings!!!

  34. Connie, Thank you so much--I like stunning eyes. And I like fabulous earrings. These different views are making the decision difficult.

  35. Have always wished to have the courage to try a real short cut but it always just stays long. I now like the look of the long hair out from under my motorcycle helmet announcing that there is possibly a woman riding. But I must say you look great with the short hair do and either way looks beautiful, just different.
    One of the sexiest older women I've seen in years had a crew cut bleached white. She walked into a restaurant and I just had to compliment her on how great she looked. Wear your new look with pride and zest! your friend vicky

  36. Vicky, Thank you so much for the words of encouragement. I hope your arm has healed up and that you are back to riding!

  37. Sister J,
    I LOVE the short hair! It makes you look younger, and it definitely has a spunky, sassy flair to it! I'd say go a little bit longer than it is right now, but definitely keep it short! :)
    -Alyssa Connell

  38. Alyssa, Thanks for the vote. As you say, a little more length--and learning to style it might help also. It is good to hear from you again! I hope all is going well. When are you coming to dinner again?

  39. I also like the short brown hair, but the long blond hair is fine as well.

    I have noticed though, that God created our skin coloring to match our hair coloring, so generally hair color which is closest to our "natural shade" is best.

    Of course, I now dye my hair to cover the gray. (I've been going gray since my oldest child was born when I was 21. Each child has accelerated the growth of the gray hair :) But the color I use is as close to my natural color as human chemists can create.

    Short hair tends to create a "power statement" on a woman, which may be why men tend to like long hair on women. They view it as more "feminine", and perhaps less of a threat. And definitely if you like to wear earrings, they are more visible with shorter hair.

    Since you have been coloring your hair for years, this is the perfect time to try something different since you had an excuse to cut off all your hair and start fresh. If you don't like it after a few months of natural color, you can always color it then.

    But if you like the look and feel of long blond hair, by all means, do it. Self-esteem is very tied in with how we feel about ourselves when we look in the mirror. So what others think matters less than what YOU think about your hair. Everyone else will like it or adjust to it no matter what you decide.

  40. I don't know if it is because you are wearing green in the picture but have you ever thought of going red? Something like a medium auburn? If you decide to go long again, I would vote for blonde. I love it short and natural color, I don't have the nerve to wear my own short but would love to try one day. (I also agree with everything Dave's Mom said!) Such a decision... good luck! As to the hat question, if you have fabulous hats that you love to wear, wear them!
