Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy Me!

I’m going to stray from scripture study helps and strategies for living in truth for a moment. You see, 42 years ago today my husband asked me to marry him. 42 years!! Wow! Who could have guessed how many wonderful and horrid things would happen in 42 years? But, together, we’ve made it though—so far.

We’ve lost one child. We’ve sweated through sleepless nights waiting for the other nine children to outgrow the teen years. We’ve argued our way into the wee hours of the night and the next day realized how stupid we were. We’ve worked together until not just our muscles but our bones ached. We’ve nursed each other through trauma, sickness, and disappointment. And we’ve grumbled and murmured about each other’s faults.

But we’ve healed in each other’s tears. We’ve taught each other things no one else could teach us. We’ve prayed together until our hearts seemed one. We’ve laughed together until our sides hurt. We’ve adopted likes and dislikes from each other—and learned that it doesn’t matter if some of those likes and dislikes are never adopted. We’ve learned patience from each other’s failing. We’ve grown to know what the other is thinking before he or she says it. We’ve rejoiced and delighted in the same children and grandchildren. And despite the fact that we are two very different personalities, we’ve managed to love each other through it all.


  1. Congratulations to both of you, you've made a real legacy of love and family. Someone once told me that we don't love someone because they are perfect, we love them because they are real, and over time we even learn to love the "faults" in a funny kind of way, because they are a real part of the person you so adore. It is what true love is all about. You've made the journey and arrived at true, lasting love. What a great example for your children. May you have many more years and an eternity of true love and joy.
    Cathie Totten

  2. WOW, Mom that was great! Nice post! I have been trying to call you-but no answer on your home or cell phone. I love you!

  3. Cathy, I can tell you know exactly what you are talking about!

  4. Talena, And YOU have been part of the happiness. I love you, too!

  5. Congrats! You are two of my most favorite people in the world! Thanks for your love and your example!

  6. That is just such a good post :)
    Sterling and I celebrate the day we became engaged also. I hope that we will be as strong as you two when we celebrate our 42nd year.

    Enjoy your day!!!!

  7. Congratulations! You're very inspiring!

  8. Sherrie - what a wonderful post! Congratulations to both of you. It's really neat that you celebrate the day he asked you to marry him in addition to your actual anniversary! Hugs! Wendy

  9. Jenny, It is so good to hear from you. Thank you for the kind words. You are one of our favorites also!

  10. Karen, Thank you so much. It was a wonderful day!

  11. Betsy, Thank you so much! And thanks for leaving your comment.

  12. Wendy, the Texan! He proposed at a stop light on our way to take me back to college after being home for the weekend. Not too romantic! The celebrating each year has been much more fun! Good to hear from you again!

  13. Thanks, Sherrie. This was a very real and inspiring post. I'm thankful that you've found so much happiness in your marriage. :) I hope John and I can still say that when we've reached 40 plus years together. Right now, we're working on our 14th year together. :)

  14. Wendi, congrats on 14! I hope you get many more years together too!.

  15. oh, this is so beautiful, so sweet. Thank you for sharing this. I'm 36 never been married and when I see difficulties in others marriages I'm not so sure I want what I spent years crying for. If I could have this- I'd do it! unfortunately I don't have any options for that right now.

  16. My favorite Things, Thank you so much for the kind words. Keep your options open--you never know what lies ahead!!!
