Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Surprise Finding

It has been an interesting week. Last week I went to Church for the first time without a hat. No problems. Everyone was so nice and complimentary. I felt so loved.

This week I went out into the world without a hat. Most people didn’t pay much attention to my hairdo. But there were a few surprises. It didn’t bother me, as a matter of fact it was extremely interesting. One woman looked at me, looked at my hair a momen,t and then started to laugh. One man dressed in a suit and tie, stared at me, and when he noticed I was looking back, pursed his lips, scowled, and shook his head until I finally looked away.

As I said, it didn’t bother me. But it did surprise me—a lot. It was something I never expected. I don’t pretend that I thought everyone out there would like this short “boy-cut” on a woman, but I never in a thousand years would have guessed that people would say or do anything to convey their dislike. It gave me a taste of what other people who are different must encounter. It also made me wonder how many of those “different” people have very good reasons for being different. This has taught me a great lesson in not judging others. You never know why people are the way they are.


  1. That is a good point. I have no idea why people would look at you that way, though. Your hair is very stylish right now. My sister's is barely longer than yours--on purpose. :) Say a prayer for me tomorrow--I give my talk during our sacrament meeting that starts at 12:30. Thanks!

  2. Aunt Sherrie-I can honestly say that I really like your hair short! It suits you better than most women! You have a nice head shape! :) Love you!

  3. Jessie, Thank you so much! I am enjoying the low upkeep! Love you, too!

  4. I loved this post! Three years ago I had skin cancer removed from my nose leaving me with much of one nostril completely gone. Thanks goodness for the medical miracles of the time in which we live. A flap from my forehead now covers my nose. In three years I've only had one person (a stranger) ask me about it. That leaves me wondering: are most people just nice? or....don't they notice? (I think it's very noticable) Today a woman came into my work place and I immediately noticed that she had a nose quite like mine. I wanted to say something to her like, "hey, we're kindred spirits." She looked at me but neither of us said anything. It's okay. I'm so grateful to have a nose (even if I do have to shave it :-)

  5. Lesley, thanks for dropping by! It is so good to hear from you. And especially good to find a "kindred spirit." It is interesting, isn't it, to see how people react. Hope to hear from you again.
