Thursday, March 19, 2009

On Top Of The Lectern!

I’ve been invited to speak at BYU Education Week this coming August! I’m excited. I always meet so many wonderful people at Education Week and learn so much myself. There is one strange thing, however. On their advertisement they say that there will be 200 "quality presenters." I don't know why, but that made me feel like a piece of laundry. I think I associated it with"Quality Cleaners." I saw myself, pressed, folded, and stacked a top a lectern. Maybe I've been doing too much exaggerated thinking lately!

I’m teaching two classes: “The Truth Shall Make You Free” and “Messages in The Miracles of Jesus.” A lot of what I’ve been posting on the blog lately is part of the first class. The second class is about what we learn from the symbolism that is contained in the way the Savior performs His miracles.

I’ve been studying both topics for many years and am excited to be able to share what I have learned. If you happen to be going to Education Week, be sure to find me and say hello!


  1. Oh good! I'm so glad you're teaching again! I can't wait!

  2. Amy, Thank you! I do hope to see you before then, though!

  3. What a WONDERFUL blog, Sherrie. I've gone into your archives and enjoyed reading many of your older posts as well as the new. Some of them made me laugh out loud. You are extremely insightful and write with such fresh perspective.

    You are one special lady. I'm glad we've met. What a blessing for me. I'll eat falafel with you any day.

  4. Those will be two insightful classes. I'm happy you have this opportunity to touch more lives for good. :)

  5. Dear "Anonymous," Thank you so much for the kind words. I love your blog, also. And yes, any day you want falafel, just give me a call!

  6. Wendi, Thanks so much--again! You always say such nice things.

  7. Good for you...I know that you love to teach! I for one gain valuable insight and knowledge each time I visit your blog. Much love...enjoy your weekend :)

  8. I am so happy for you to be able to start teaching in person again. By then you will have your strength and energy back. It will be a great experience for you as well as the lucky people who attend your classes. I hope I can come, too.
    Cathie Totten

  9. Connie, You know me well! I love visiting your blog also. You have such a zest for life!

  10. Cathie, I hope you can come. It would be fun to see you again!
