Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Scripture Study Helps

Daily scripture study changed my life. I grew up in a family that talked a lot about the scriptures and watched my father study scripture every free moment he had. I loved the scriptures and knew them pretty well, but when I was 28 years old I decided I wanted more and began setting aside daily scripture study time.

When I had young children, it was difficult but so worth it. I've studied at different times over the years--early before the kids got up; in the afternoon while they napped; at night before I went to bed; or fitting it in where ever I could. Each time had its positive and negative aspects, but each fueled me with encouragement, strength to carry on, patience, and hope. I consider the day I started my daily scripture reading to be my new birth. It was the best decision I ever made.

One thing I have enjoyed the last few years is an online program called Read the Scriptures. If you go to this link, you can sign up to read any book of scripture. You can choose to have one chapter a day sent to you via email or you can tell them you want to read the New Testament (or any other book) by a certain day and they will divide the pages up and send you the exact amount you need to read each day to reach your goal. Then each morning when you wake up your daily scripture reading is waiting for you in your email. You can read it on-line or push the audio button and have it read to you.

One fun thing you can also do is form a team. Each member of the team signs up for the same thing and there is a discussion board where each person can leave comments or questions so that you can study together.

Reading scriptures daily is empowering. It brings light into dark days and shines even more illumination into sunny days. I can't even begin to tell you how it changes life! I just hope you can feel my enthusiasm through this Internet connection and that it encourages you to study more!


  1. Have you been peering into my life lately...you seem to know exactly what I need to hear. Thanks for the link for the scriptures. I may start reading online a little a lunch time.

  2. I had no idea that link existed. Reading regular books very long hurts my hands and I'm not into wearing a headset around the house with an mp3 player, especially when the grandkids set it on shuffle. I signed up and look forward to being able to read it every day, no matter how my hands feel. I've felt extra motivated since the temple dedication, I enjoyed it so much. Thank you so much!
    Cathie Totten

  3. Connie, I used to tell my kids I had eyes in the back of my head and could see all! Now I see across the US!

  4. Cathy, I'm glad you are excited about the site. I also like it because on my computer I can adjust the size of type. I can make it as big as I need it to see. Let me know how it works for you!

  5. This is a great idea. Thanks! I'm going to try it when we get back from vacation. )

  6. Thank you so much for this post! I have really been struggling with this, and even starting writing it on my daily "to do" list this week to try to get it in. What do you do on the days that nothing seems to create a spiritual spark while you're reading? Just keep plugging through? Or should I try to do something different?

  7. Anita, I'm glad you asked that question. When I first started study dialy (and even sometimes since), I didn't often get the "spark" you are talking about. More often than not things were just blah. But I kept going and eventually got to the point that sparks are more the norm than blah. I've thought a lot about what happened and my personal opinion is that there is a time of "trial" when the Spirit waits to see how earnest we are. If we keep trying and proving ourselves--in effect saying, "I REALLY want to learn," He then begins to teach and the sparks begin. So hang in there and then let me know how it goes. I promise it is worth it!
