Friday, March 6, 2009

The Stories We Tell!

We’ll talk about more strategies to help us break the spell negative feelings can cast over us later. But before we do it is important to realize that all of us are storytellers. As human beings we have a driving desire to understand things and to attach meaning to the things that happen to us. Therefore, when we go through experiences of life we interpret them. We tell ourselves stories about the things that are happening to us. These stores can generate either positive or negative feelings within us. But the important thing to remember is that we are writing the stories. We are the one making them either positive or negative.

For example: You pass a friend in the store and greet them warmly. In return they nod at you and move on. At this point you begin your storytelling. You can think, “How rude. At least she could have responded with a greeting,” and continue on writing this story. Or you can think, “She must have something weighing on her mind. She wouldn’t normally have acted like that.” And continue on writing that story.

If you tell yourself the first story, you create unnecessary pain. If you tell yourself the second story you live in peace and love--pain free! It is a choice—not a circumstance. Think about it. You really cannot know what is going on in the other person’s life. To take offense at what happens doesn’t accomplish one positive thing. It only causes you pain.

For the next few days, watch what stories you tell yourself. It is a very interesting experience to listen to your own self talk and realize what you are doing. Let me know what you discover!


  1. Sherrie - I was thrilled to meet such a wonderful person in Austin, TX this week. I hope you have enjoyed your visit and our nice weather! Hugs! Wendy

  2. Oh Sherrie, I have done both and I feel better when I do not jump to conclusions and tell myself a negative story. I remind myself frequently "Don't take it personally" it is probably not about you!!!

    How are you feeling?

  3. Wendy, It was so nice to meet you! You are as wonderful as Ferg told me you are! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Connie, Isn't it amazing what a difference the self-talk makes. Why do we bring on all that pain by telling negative stories? It doesn't make any sense at all! I am feeling great. I get tired easily, but that is about all. Thanks for asking.

  5. He's told me how wonderful all of you are too. I adore how he talks with Meleah on the phone. You can tell they are very into each other. The kiddos are adorable. I keep telling him to enjoy them now -- he's heard too many stories about teen agers and adult children on our hallway!

  6. Sherrie, this was such a great post. I went to my follow-up doctor appointment today and I'm making slow, but steady, progress. We're also planning a vacation to southern California a the end of this month. This would never have been possible just six weeks ago. I'm so thankful for this progress. And I'm so thankful for the effect these new ideas that you've been sharing over the last month have had on me. I'm going to continue to try to apply this concept. Thanks so much!! :)

  7. Wendy, If you ever get to Utah, be sure to come see us!

  8. Wendi, I am thrilled that you are doing so well. I hope you enjoy your trip!

  9. When my daughter was young and would come home from school and tell me about someone being mean to her I would explain that you never know what that person is going through in their life! I need to remind myself of that more often now! What a great concept of being a story teller, what a relief (or not!) to know that I am writing my life story in the the choices I make daily. Thanks Sherrie, your teachings are a blessing in my life.
