Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Today is the most joyous day of the entire year! This day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior--which means that we too will be resurrected and live again. But it is so much more than that. Because He lived, suffered, and died for us we can change.

If Jesus Christ had never performed the Atonement,we would be stuck for eternity in a place where there could be not change, no growth. Think about that for a moment. Think of how awful you feel when you have done something wrong. Think of the pain you feel when a loved one dies and you are separated. Think of how miserable you are when overcome with the discouragement, dismay, and sadness that are part of a telestial world. All of those negative feelings would be the state you would live in eternally if it had not been for Jesus Christ.

But because of Christ, we can have joy and happiness and love and peace and ALL that is good. Because of Jesus Christ we can live eternally with God and escape all the negative, evil, miserable situations and feelings that are part of mortal life.

I know that Christ lives and that He has opened the doors to eternal happiness and has shown me what I must do to pass through those doors. He is my Savior. He is Life, and Light, and Truth. But most of all, He offers all of that to me because He is also Love.



  2. May you have a wonderful Easter and a blessed year! Hugs, Wendy

  3. Aimee, I hope you had a wonderful Easter, also.

  4. Wendy, It is so good to hear from you again! God bless you!

  5. Sister J!
    I hope that your Easter was fantastic! I'd love to come visit you again sometime soon and catch up on everything if that's alright with you. :)


  6. We had a wonderful Easter and I hope you did too! This was the first year we didn't get presents or candy for the kids. And it made a difference. Church was uplifting and we spent the day together as a family. I was so thankful that the sun came out--Saturday with its pouring rain was very difficult for me. Since I haven't had my computer since Friday, I've spent extra time with the kids--reading, talking, teaching, and laughing. It's been a great blessing. I'm so thankful that the Atonement can help us overcome habits that would be almost impossible without His help. :)

  7. Alyssa, I'd love to have you come by. We are in California this week, but when we get home we'll set a time. Hope your Easter was great!

  8. Wendy, I'm glad you had a wonderful Easter.

  9. Amen. I am so grateful to know I will be able to see my brother Garrett again and embrace him. I am so grateful for the chance to be forgiven, to start over, again and again, and to feel the love of my Savior. I KNOW My Redeemer Lives. Thank you for your testimony too. It is joyous to praise Him.
