Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Here We Go Again. . .

Today I found out that Grizelda is back. On April 10th I had a follow-up MRI to see if everything had healed all right. Today I was told that Grizelda had grown back and that she is already about 2/3 the size she was before. In other words, she is growing fast. This presents the same problems as before: painful pressure at the back of my eye and the fact that if left untreated I will lose the vision in that eye.

The good news is that since they already know that she is a hemangeoma, instead of going in surgically this time to remove her, they are going to try to shrink her with radiation. If that doesn’t work (but I’m counting on it working!) they will go in surgically again. So Friday I go in for the first consultation with the radiologist.

I guess there is more for me to learn! I’m off on another adventure.


  1. Sherrie - sorry to hear your news, but know you will handle it with amazing grace and great adventure. I am sorry you have to go through this again and I will certainly keep you in my prayers! The radiation is going to work! Hugs, Wendy

  2. Wendy, Thank you so much! I need all the prayers I can get. Prayer works! And thanks for the kind words of encouragement!

  3. Sister Johnson! I'm so sorry to hear that Grizelda is back! I will most definitely keep you in my prayers and that the radiation will work!


  4. Alyssa, Thanks for your love and prayers. It means a lot to me!

  5. Sherrie, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this again. Grizelda likes you way too much, kinda like a stalker. I know you will handle it well and do what it takes to get rid of her, but I'm sorry that you have to have days taking treatments, instead of doing the other things you love and do so well. Heavenly Father truly loves you and I know he will carry you through in His loving arms.
    Cathie xoxoxo

  6. Mom - you always wanted twins! =) I love you tons and am praying for you!

  7. Just who does Grizelda think she is! Sherrie, I am so sorry you have to go through this again. We will be praying for the radiation to do its job and for you to have patience and understanding. We love you and will be right along side you with our prayers~

  8. Sherrie,
    So sorry to hear the news. You'll be in my prayers.

  9. Cathy, My son says its my fault. Since I gave the tumor a name she now thinks she has a home!

  10. Bre? That's it! Maybe this isn't Grizelda. Maybe its her twin!

  11. Karen, She is stubborn, isn't she? I do appreciate your concern and especially your prayers. Thanks!

  12. Rosemary, Thank you so much. Your love and concern mean a lot to me.

  13. I love you mom! You are handling this all so well. You will be in my prayers.

  14. Sherrie,
    Well, I checked the dictionary and sure enough, under the definition of 'humility' and 'perspective', there is a picture of you.
    Our prayers are with you.

  15. I love Vicki's comment. Not to worry Sherrie. You have the faith to move mountains. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this again but I know the radiation will work! We're praying for you.

  16. Sherri,
    Hi it's Holly Richins Jorgensen. I found your blog through your husband on facebook.
    I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this. You are so strong. Ive spent a lot of time reading your blog tonigh. YOU are an inspiration. Such a positive outlook on all things.
    My prayers are with you and your family.
    I went to school to be a radiation therapist. Tell them to go easy on you ;)

    Much love,

  17. Oh, Sis "J" I am so sorry to hear Grizelda is that it has a name! This shows that "bad things definitely happen to good people!"...ain't that the pits though?! Know that you are in Art's and my prayers!
    The McKinlays/5th Ward

  18. Vicki, You are too funny. I think you must have been looking under "impatient". That's where my picture is! Thanks for the great laugh and for your love and support.

  19. Anissa, You are wonderful. I can't wait to see you next week. Thanks for the kind words!

  20. Kellie, Thanks so much for the support and faith. They really do help and I really do appreciate it. I love your blog. I don't leave many comments, but I follow it always!

  21. Holly, What a wonderful surprise to hear from you. I read your blog also and loved all the pictures of your family! And thank you so much for the encouraging words of faith and love. It means a lot to me. I hope you'll keep in touch now you've found me! And tell your mom hello for me.

  22. Kathy Jo, Thank you so much for you faith and prayers. I love the name of your blog!

  23. Out of curiousity I looked up the name Grizelda to see what it means. (I'm weird like that.) It looks like you've named her appropriately (did you do that on purpose?) because it's a German name that means "gray battle". Looks like Grizelda doesn't give up her battle easily! Tell her to leave your gray matter alone!
    Seriously, though, I hope all goes well with the radiation, so that you won't have to go through surgery again.
    Thanks for all your uplifting words. You have been a blessing to me, even though you don't know me. My sister, who is in your ward, told me about your blog, and I'm so glad she did. Your words have been a comfort to me when I have really needed them.
    I'll keep you in my prayers.

  24. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  25. Sherrie, Dear, I'm so sorry you have to face this! Like everyone who commented above, I know you'll face it full of grace and faith, but I want to rebuke Grizelda and tell her to JUST GO AWAY. George and I will be praying for you.

  26. Martha, I am really weird about words, too. I usually look up everything, but I never had looked up Grizelda. It just sounded like the name of a tumor! And it is!!! Thanks for looking it up for me. And thanks for your kind words and concern. It helps. Have a great day!

  27. Cori, Thank you so much for the thoughts and prayers. I know prayer works! xoxo

  28. Sundy, It is so good to hear from you and thank you for your concern. I REALLY do appreciate it. Much love to you and tell George hello for me!

  29. My family will keep you in our prayers. I am sorry for your trial. You should know that I have very fond memories of you and your family from the WB 2nd ward days. Your husband was a great teacher of mine and I can look back and see how he positively effected my life.

    Good luck!
    Josh Hanks

  30. Josh, Thanks for the kind words. You brought back a lot of wonderful memories. And thanks for the prayers. I can use them right now!

  31. Sherrie,

    We are so sorry that you have even more to learn! As humans, that's one of the hardest lessons--that learning is sometimes an unpleasant experience. You've been such a trooper and Steve and I truly admire your positive attitude. One poem that we have loved when our trials are at their highest is "Don't Quit". There's a really nice presentation of this poem at that you may enjoy.

    You and your family are definitely in our hearts and in our prayers.

  32. So sorry to hear about Grizelda coming back. I will be praying for you and your family. I love you all so much. You have taught me a lot. I guess I have a lot more to learn from you and your great example.

  33. Find some one that can do Hypnotherapy! A lady in my ward does that, has cured her own cancer and about 60 others- honest. Try any method you can! All knowledge is from God. Use all of it!

  34. I'm so sorry to hear about Grizelda coming back. There's nothing that I can say that hasn't already been said above. But you're in my prayers too. :)

  35. Candy and Steve, Thank you so much for the words of encouragement. I love learning and can't wait to see what I learn this time! You are wonderful!

  36. Barb, Thanks for your love and prayers. They mean a lot to me. I love you, friend!

  37. I heard you speak in the West Bountiful Stake a few months ago and have been reading your blog ever since. I am sad to hear about your tumor coming back and just want you to know you're in my prayers. If anyone can get through it, you can! I have thought of your words many times during trials of my own and they have helped tremendously! Thank you! And good luck!

  38. Mom,
    Wow what else can I say...So many fans cheering for you to battle Grizelda. You have always been my number one fan cheering me on in my life! Know it's our turn for you. You have already beat the team once, just do it again!! You truelly are a wonderful example to EVERYONE!!

  39. WB Anonymous, Thank you for your kind words and for being a loyal reader-friend! I appreciate the words of encouragement!

  40. Dear Daughter, (I know you are not Sonoma, so you have to be one of the other eight!) thanks! You are wonderful. Even though I don't know which one you are, I know you are wonderful because all of my daughters are wonderful and my son would never be on here! I love you!

  41. Sherrie, I am so sorry that you are in this place again and this time with probably somewhat more trepidation - that seems to be what happens when we have to go somewhere again that we didn't want to go to in the first place. Since I can't take this away from you maybe I can help you through it in some small way. When I was a young girl my mother had a sign displayed in her bedroom to greet her each day that simply reminded us to "Be Still and know that I am God. - psalms 46:10" It was written in her own hand and inside a heart. That simple scripture has gotten me through so much - Our Father really is in charge and knows you are in this spot. Having just read your latest news, and especially since seeing you on Sunday looking and sounding so wonderful, the first thought that came to me was the hymn #124 - Be Still, My Soul. Just humming it seemed to calm me immediately and hopefully it will you too. I also love that it was written, translated and had music put to it all by women.
    Following are the words and a little of the history of the song - may the Lord bring some peace to your heart too by reading and humming them - music does truly soothe the soul. Love your sister in the gospel
    - Jo Ann Petrie

    " Be Still, My Soul" is a hymn originally written in German during the latter half of the 17th century. This period of time marked by a revival that broke out across Germany. Lutherans as this time were practicing Pietism. This doctrine was composed of religious devotion, ethical purity, and charitable activity. The newest hymn at these revival meeting was "Be Still, My Soul."

    Three different composers worked to create "Be Still, My Soul." A woman involved in the Pietism Movement, Katharina von Schlegel wrote the lyrics. A century later, Jane Borthwick, a Scottish-born composer, translated the hymn into English. The last contributor was Jean Sibelius, Finland's finest composer. The music from "Finlandia" is used as the tune for this hymn. God used three people with three different languages to give us this wonderful example of Christian patience.

    "Be Still, My Soul" was also the favorite hymn of the Olympic athlete Eric Liddell. He became famous in 1924 for not competing on the Sabbath. He became a missionary in China and in World War II was captured. He taught this song to fellow prisoners at the compound where he was held.

    Be Still, My Soul

    Be still, my soul--
    The Lord is on thy side!
    Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain;
    Leave to thy God to order and provide.
    In ev'ry change He faithful will remain.
    Be still, my soul--
    Thy best, thy heav'nly Friend
    Thru thorny ways leads to a joyful end.

    Be still, my soul! thy God doth undertake
    To guide the future as he has the past.
    Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
    All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
    Be still, my soul! the waves and winds still know
    His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below.

    Be still, my soul! the hour is hastening on
    When we shall be forever with the Lord,
    When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone,
    Sorrow forgot, love's purest joys restored.
    Be still, my soul! when change and tears are past,
    All safe and blessed we shall meet at last.

  42. Dear Sherry, We are SO SORRY...your faith, strength & courage AMAZE me!!! You know you have our prayers & very best wishes!!
    Love, Debbie, Wil & Chelan

  43. Jo Ann, That is one of my favorite verses of scripture and one of my favorite songs, but I had never heard the history of its origins. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the words of encouragement.

  44. Debbie, Thank you. I appreciate so much the faith, prayers and support. You are wonderful.
