Friday, April 17, 2009


I am now in Hanford, California, just south of Fresno. Instead of lemon trees in the yard, Talena has orange trees. It is like being in a foreign land! I love it.

On the way down here we watched the movie Phantom of the Opera and I was struck anew with the symbolism of light and dark. The theme is the same as what we have been discussing--Living in Truth. So much pain in life is unnecessary pain that comes about because we choose it. It is so sad that we suffer so much when all we need to do is let go of the pain and live in truth.

What other plays or artistic works have inspired you that use this theme of light vs.dark or truth vs. illusion? Without thinking too hard, I can come up with several. It is a major theme in literature and art. How have these works touched or inspired you?


  1. Both "Phantom of the Opera" and "Wicked" have some of my favorite music in them and they both have the themes of light vs. dark and truth vs. illusion in them. In fact, I'm wearing a t-shirt to go through the clutter in my room right now that I had made. It says "The wicked witch was FRAMED". :)

    There is still snow on the ground here in Orem, so I think it's great that you're enjoying sunny California with your family. :)

  2. Wendi, Wicked is another play that deals with light and dark. I also love it. And I hope the snow is gone before I get home...but if it isn't, I'll love it!

  3. I'm so glad that you're enjoying California! You're lucky to be missing our cold snap!

    One play that comes to mind is Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire. There are SO many allusions to light and dark in the stage directions, and the play is full of characters of truth and those of illusion. I don't know if it's necessarily inspired me, but it is a remarkable piece of literature. :)

  4. One of my favorites is Les Miserables. Also, Man of La Mancha (a.k.a. Don Quixote).
    I LOVE the insights you have shared about Living in Truth! PLEASE KEEP THEM COMING! Living in truth has recently become VERY needed and important to me. I have so needed all the reminders I can gather about how living in truth is LESS painful than living the illusions. And how Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

  5. I'm going to move out of the realm of musicals and delve into movies. I love the first Lord of the Rings movie where Gandalf is on the bridge of Khazad Dum in the mines and the Balrog is coming after them and he stops to bar the way saying "You shall not pass!" It has always reminded me of the Savior defending us from death and hell. And of course, you could go into much, much more with the Lord of the Rings...

    And we cannot forget the Chronicles of Narnia. I love C.S. Lewis! I weep every time Aslan is mocked and sacrificed on the stone table. I tried to read the book to my girls and just cried through that entire part!

  6. Martha, Don Quixote is another of my favorites. But I hadn't thought of it in a long time. Thanks for reminding me. And thanks for the kind words.

  7. Alyssa, I haven't read Streetcar since high school (I won't tell you how long that has been!) and can't remember it. So I'm going to read it again. Thanks!

  8. Anita, Ah, yes! Tolkien and Lewis! The masters of illuminating Truth and Illusion. Every time I read them I learn something new!

  9. Talena, Oh, yes! We can't forget Star Wars. May the Force be with you!

  10. I recently re-watched The Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring and enjoyed the visuals of light and dark. I fast-forwarded the orc and fighting scenes - I accept that there are orcs in life, but it doesn't mean I have to study and stare at them! I choose to revel and pause and soak in Rivendale, and the dear friends like Samwise, and wise Gandolf, "'So do I,' said Gandalf, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

  11. I had another thought...I looked at the artwork of Thomas Kinkade online today...he is called the painter of light. I see the world around me differently every time I've spent time enjoying his creations and celebrations of light. Hooray for the light!!
