Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I'm on my way to be radiated! I'm hoping that means from now on I'll be radiant! Don't laugh! A person can hope, you know.

Yesterday they called and said that I will need five days of radiation instead of three so the treatments will last until next Monday. On line I found several cases of lymphangioma that had been cured with the Cyberknife and that was comforting!

At any rate, if you see a shining woman with little hair walking down the street say hello--it's me!


  1. Good luck today. You are already a radiant person! My mom had a good time with you at lunch yesterday. You're in our prayers :)

  2. Kellie, Thank you! Your mom is fantastic. I had so much fun!

  3. You are radiant my dear! You are in my prayers! I'm sitting here in my office trying NOT to laugh out loud are your radiant, shining woman comment!

  4. Wendy, Do laugh! It is the sound of laughter that keeps me going right now! And thanks so much for your prayers. Prayer works!

  5. That's a good way to look at it. I hope you DO have a radiant week!! :) I've had the flu, and it's amazing how much more you appreciate your health after something like that. You're in my prayers. :) I'm teaching RS on Mother's Day. Say one for me too! :)

  6. I love this post! :) Good luck, and I hope everything goes well and is successful! We're praying for you.

  7. Wendi, I hope you are feeling better! And I will be praying for you and appreciate your prayers.

  8. Alyssa, Thank you so much! I'm sorry I missed you and your mom. But you are still here. Give me a call!

  9. Mom you always say the silliest things. You did make me laugh. Good luck and we will be thinking about you always.

  10. Your light was already shining bright. Now maybe we'll see your glow from up North!! Good luck!

  11. You always make me smile. You are the most radiant person I know. We keep praying for you. Did you get that check I left for the Bowden wedding? I slipped it in your fount door. Loves!!

  12. Laresa, You've been telling me that for years! xoxoxoxo

  13. Kristi, Thank you so much. You are always so wonderful! Did you see the glow? :)

  14. Barb, I did get the check.Thanks so much for the prayers. They are sustaining me right now!
