Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sidetracked By Guilt

The last few days have been very interesting. When we live in truth we accept what is, the verity of a situation, and then do what needs to be done. But it is amazing the subtle ways the adversary uses to tempt us away from the truth.

As we found out about our grandson yesterday the immediate reaction was toward worry or fear. But I Anchored myself and let the peace wash over me and began to move forward. Then a strange feeling of guilt came over me. The thought that I must not love my grandson or I’d be worried and fearful swelled in me. It was a very odd feeling which at first seemed logical and right. But as I stopped to ponder it, I realized that worry and/or fear would not help my grandson. The thought was a lie. There is no way that my worry or fear would or could heal him. Worry and fear aren't part of love. All worry and fear would do is make me miserable. They would also consume me with so much negative thought that it would make it very difficult to hear any promptings or receive any comfort from the Spirit.

Living in Truth is living in peace. But the adversary doesn’t want us to have peace. He wants us to be miserable. As we consistently examine the thoughts and feelings that pull us away from peace, we learn to recognize the lies that hold us bondage in the realm of Illusion. We learn more and more about what the Savior meant when he said, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).


  1. Thanks for sharing this process that you went through as you were analyzing your feelings. It's very helpful. I think it's very natural to let the worry and fear sneak in. But, I guess that's why we're taught to overcome the natural (wo)man. :)

  2. Wendi, It is interesting to stop and think about what's happening to yourself! We get so busy we don't do it enough.

  3. I have been thinking a LOT about your anchoring tool lately. It is so wonderful to finally understand how to hold on to that impossible, precious peace that seemed to just come as a gift before. Now I get it.
    This understanding has shed new light for me on all kinds of verses in the scriptures...for example, Ether 6:2-12, where it tells of the journey of the brother of Jared and his people.Here is part of it;
    "9 And they did sing praises unto the Lord; yea, the brother of Jared did sing praises unto the Lord, and he did thank and praise the Lord all the day long; and when the night came, they did not cease to praise the Lord.
    10 And thus they were driven forth; and no monster of the sea could break them, neither whale that could mar them; and they did have light continually, whether it was above the water or under the water."
    These people were anchoring!

  4. There are so many parallels to us and our trials in this chapter, too. The light in the vessels/our own testimonies. The mountain waves/our temptations and trials, etc.

  5. Martha, I can hear the wheels turning in your head and see the lights going on! That is exactly what is happening. Read Nephi's story and you will also see the Anchoring at work. And yes, there are amazing parallels between the journey of the Jaradites to their promised land and our journey to our promised land, the Celestial Kingdom.

  6. That is why I love the power of prayer. I fell such at peace when I pray. It is amazing because no matter what people say I hold on to that peace I felt as I prayed. Is that what you mean by anchoring?

  7. Laresa, Anchoring is about anchoring yourself to the present moment. But you could call holding on to the feelings of prayer a form of Anchoring because that peace should be taken with you into every moment.

  8. Thank you thank you thank you! This is a principle that I have been working on. I do understand it but fight that worry and fear. You are amazing how you can share and express it so well so we all get it a little better.

  9. Barb, Thank you! It is amazing how subtle the adversary can be at times. Good to hear from you!
