Wednesday, May 27, 2009

When It Rains, It Pours

We've had another set back around here. My one-year-old grandson, Josh's son, was just taken to Primary Children's Hospital. He's had a terrible rash and fever for several days. The doctors suspect a very rare disease and 7 of 10 people who contract it die from it. I'm asking for your prayers again. Prayer works!

I am so thankful for the things I've learned about living in Truth or I wouldn't be making it right now. I'm staying Anchored and feel at peace.


  1. Sherrie, I am so sorry. There are so many dangers in our imperfect world and it is the most difficult to deal with when it affects an innocent child. My thoughts and prayers are for you, your grandson and all who love this child. May Heavenly Father hold you close to Him. xoxoxo

  2. There's no better place than Primary Children's for the sick little ones. We've spent almost 30 days there. We'll keep them in our prayers. Thanks for your good example of using Anchoring in a real life situation. :)

  3. Cathie, Thanks for the prayers! Things are looking up!

  4. Wendi, They were wonderful at the hospital! Thanks for the prayers and I am so glad I've learned to Anchor. It REALLY works!
