Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Blog World

I’m in a funny mood today, so please take anything I say lightly! The sun is out! The rain has stopped. And I’ve been thinking a lot lately about this blogging world. And I mean world literally. Blogging is like entering a new habitat. I’ve been blogging for about two years now and have learned some interesting things. (1) You get more readers if people think you are dying. (2) Most older people (like my mother) can’t find their way into a blog. (3) Blogging is addicting. (4) Blogging causes me to wonder how daily experiences, like a bowl of spilled cold cereal, can meaningfully fit into my blog.

I hope you are laughing. As I said, I am in a strange mood. And thinking about blogging has made me stranger! By blogging I’ve connected with friends I haven’t seen for years. I’ve met new friends. I’ve learned wonderful things from the comments you’ve left. But what is odd is the connection I’ve felt to total strangers. I see from the site meter that there are some of you that stop by daily and I haven’t a clue as to who you are. And yet I feel so connected to you. I’ve come to know you simply as my friend in Encinitas or Lake Mary, or Waterloo, or Merritt Island. A friend with the address used to stop by daily and then all of a sudden stopped as did one in South Africa. That’s part of what I’m feeling as strange—almost weird. I’ve missed Bryantstratton and South Africa ever since. But how can I miss someone I’ve never met? I could walk past you and not even know you are my blog friend! And yet I do miss Bryantstratton and South Africa! This technological age creates some weird phenomenon!

Of course there are others of you that I recognize from the address and it warms my heart to think of you each time I see your address. I especially love all my friends in South Carolina, Utah, and Texas who stop by daily and the one in Livermoor and so many other places. I love seeing the addresses of students that came through my classes or that worked for my husband. And I appreciate those of you who have put a link on your blog to mine. It's such a delight to think you want to pass my blog on! Especially I love those of you who say hello or add a few words or ask questions. I love comments like the wonderful one yesterday from Anonymous! Anonymous, and everyone else who leaves comments, I love you!

In short, blogging is fun and I appreciate all of you for making my days so wonderful--in this weird technological way!

Make it a great day!


  1. I love blogging too. (My favorite piece of Flair on Facebook reads:
    "I love my computer because my friends live in it.") And your blog is one of the most inspiring and uplifting blogs I've ever read--which is why I stop by daily. Thanks for making my days brighter. :)

  2. Wendi, Thank you for stopping by to make all my days brighter. You are wonderful!

  3. Sherrie, your blog is hands down the most uplifting blog I've EVER read! Your words have helped me learn some things I really need right now, and you have taken the time to answer my questions--in posts! You have been a true friend! Thank you.

  4. Martha, Thank you, friend! I hope some day to meet you in person!

  5. I personally think blogs are a true blessing in a crazy world today. There are problems and danger everywhere even on the internet, but it is just the opposite with blogs. They are like a peaceful haven in all the chaos. The best thing about them is that we interact with people in a personal way that allows us to know, value, appreciate each one's trials in life and love the person for who they are. We don't even have to know who they are to feel their great value as a person. Some blogs are funny, some are informative, some are people just reaching out to find friends and then there are a few beautiful diamonds. Not only do we interact, but come away with so much inspiration and comfort and new understandings of important principles. You are one of those diamond blogs where you are fun to read, uplifting and always leave us with a feeling that our life has once again been enriched. Lucky for me this wonderful interaction comes from someone I have loved and admired since childhood. I have been lucky enough to know you as a friend in person and to also be one of your humble and grateful students, thanks to your blog. I am indeed blessed. Thank you, Cathie

  6. I love your blog! And I totally agree; blogging is seriously addicting, and I too find myself thinking that my humorous day-to-day experiences (like that bowl of cereal) are completely "blog worthy". :)

  7. p.s. when can i come visit you? i'd love to stop by and see y'all sometime!!!

  8. I agree with everything you've said!

  9. Cathie, There is nothing like a life-long friend! Thank you.

  10. Alyssa, Thank you and you are welcome any time. Just give us a call to make sure we are home.

  11. Becky, Everything? Ever? Wow, you should have been one of my children!!! xoxo

  12. Sherrie, I laughed out loud at "you get more readers if people think you are dying." Why is that?? Is it that we love you and want to show you we care? Or is it the same instinct that makes us stare at car wrecks? I hope it's the former!

  13. Jennie, I hope it's the love thing, too! The other might mean I disappointed people by living! :) (As you can tell, I'm still in my funny mood!) Thanks for stopping by to "visit." xoxoxo

  14. Dear Sherrie, Love your funny mood!! Blogging is fun & way to keep in touch!!!
    Love, Debbie

  15. Your blog has lifted my day many times. I check it often for the wonderful way it lifts and encourages me. I try to share it with others when they come to me feeling down. So happy you blog!

  16. Debbie, I agree. The keeping in touch part surprised me. I didn't expect it, but I love it.

  17. Julie, Thank you so much for the kind words and thanks for sharing my blog. You are one of the new friends I've met because of the blog and I always say you can never have enough friends!
