Sunday, June 28, 2009

Right Stories

Yesterday while running errands I pulled up at a stop light behind a white SUV and in front of it was a black truck.Suddenly the driver of the black truck stuck his hand out the window and made an OK sign with his hand. I strained to see what he was OKing about, but could see nothing. Then he began pointing inside the truck at himself. He had my full attention now. Next he poked both hands out the window, put his thumbs and index fingers together to make a heart. Then he pointed to the driver of the white SUV behind him. The driver of the white SUV responded by sticking her arm out the window and holding up the deaf sign language symbol for “I love you!” The driver of the black truck made another OK sign, but the way he moved his hand slightly back and forth said more than just OK: it said “Really good!” I could feel the positive energy streaming out of the truck! By now the light had turned green and both the truck and the SUV turned. I never say their faces, only their arms from the elbow to the finger tips, but those two people made my day. I was chuckling about it for hours.

Since then I’ve thought about the reactions other people I’ve known might have had to this same scene. Someone might have thought, “Why doesn’t that guy pay attention to the light. He’s going to miss the green and hold us all up! *#@!” Another person might think, “Cut out the sentimental slush. Everywhere I go people are so cheesy. Get a life guy!” Another person might break into tears, “I wish I had someone to send me love signals.” Still someone else might think, “Oh those were the days when my spouse sent loving messages to me. What happened to the good days?” Any of these responses would have created negative feelings and carried that negative energy into the rest of their day. But the truth (the verity of the situation ) is that a young man showed his appreciation to a young woman. We can enjoy that or disparage it. It is our choice.

Too often we think our thoughts and reactions are automatic and can’t be helped, but we choose them and should never forget that. You and I are making up stories to accompany everything that happens to us.

You are in charge, so write a good story and enjoy!


  1. I think it's cute that you thought that was such a fun exchange. I would have too. I think many people take driving way too seriously--with all the running of red lights, honking, and road rage. I enjoy listening to music and watching people when I'm stopped at a red light. :)

  2. Thanks for sharing such a sweet story. My husband frequently signals 1 4 3...holding up 1 finger then 4 then 3 which to us it means I love you. (the # of letters in each word) corny but sweet.

  3. Depending on the day I could have any number of reactions....most likely it would have been curiosity but even more envy. We get way to busy getting from here to there without enjoying the journey. This made me think about slowing to enjoy the journey everyday and every opportunity.

  4. Wendi, I think you are right--we make too many things too serious! We need to relax and enjoy more.

  5. Connie, I like your "secret signal" also. I'm going to remember that. In our family we also, when holding hands, squeeze three times for "I love you," and the other person squeezes four times back, "I love you, too." I wonder how many other secret signals for I love you are out there?

  6. Frequently thinking, I agree. If you take time to be present and enjoy, there are so many things that would brighten and cheer our days. Thanks for the reminder!
