Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Trust in the Lord

One of my favorite passages of scripture is found in Prov 3:2-6. It reads, “Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

This passage is packed with information about Living in Truth. First we are told to bind mercy and truth around our necks and write them in our hearts. The connection between mercy and truth is interesting. It is impossible to live in Truth without having mercy. When living in Truth, or living with the verity of what is, we constantly need to be merciful to others. We need to excuse their mistakes and overlook the things they say or do that could hurt us. Living in Truth is impossible if we aren’t merciful. In addition, mercy and truth needs to be so much a part of us that that they emanate from our hearts. Helping us to do that is what the Truth Tools are all about. Mercy and truth aren’t something we do. They are something we are. The promise for becoming mercy and truth, then, is that we will find favor and understanding not only from God but from our fellow man.

All this is a big order. It may even seem absolutely overwhelming. But the writer goes on to tell us how we can do it. By trusting in the Lord, not half-heartedly, but with all of our heart we can live in Truth. We turn ourselves over to God’s divine understanding and don’t try to outguess or think we know better than He does what we should do. We simply trust Him. In conjunction with this, we acknowledge Him as the author of our lives. We acknowledge that He is wiser than we are and even if for the moment our situation seems dire, we acknowledge that He must have some purpose in it. Our job is to discover the purpose and do what needs to be done. If we do that He will direct our path and that path always ends in happiness.


  1. I love that scripture. It is amazing when we trust in Heavenly Father. Sometimes we want to control things and take care of it. I am still trying to learn everyday to trust in the Lord.

  2. Dear Sherrie, What a wonderful surprise to come home & find the delicious cookie & BEAUTIFUL card with your well wishes!! You are so sweet...SO SORRY I missed you!!! I can't believe you're bringing me something when you're having a hard time, too!! How are things with you??? Thanks SO MUCH!!!
    Love, Debbie

  3. Thank you once again. Well said.

  4. Laresa, It is a hard lesson to learn but letting go and letting God run our lives is so much easier in the long run.

  5. Debbie, I hope you enjoy! You are wonderful and I hope you are feeling better.

  6. Becky, Thank you. You always make my day! You are wonderful.

  7. This is one of my favorite scriptures, too. I have it framed for my wall. It has helped me through some difficult times. It's always a good reminder to me that the Lord knows better than I do.
    -Rachel G.
