Friday, July 31, 2009

Good News on Good News!

One of the reasons I've been so busy lately is that my book that I called Good News! has been accepted for publication and I have been doing some last minute editing.

Walnut Springs is going to publish it, but they don't like the title because it doesn't explain what the book is about. I agree, but we have had a terrible time coming up with anything else.

I've been waiting to tell you the good news until we had a new title, but I'm tired of waiting. The book will be out before Christmas and I am excited. I'll let you know more of the details when I have a title! But until then I have a new book coming, Untitled Good News!


  1. Wow! Congratulations! That's so exciting!!! I'll definitely have to read it.

  2. Alyssa, Thank you. It was so fun visiting with you last week!

  3. Congratulations AGAIN! That's such a great accomplishment. :)

  4. Congratulations Sherrie! That is a major accomplishment.

  5. Congratulations Sherie! I look forward to it. It'll be fun to see what the title is. If they knew you better, they'd still cal it "Good News". :) Cathie

  6. Congratulations Sister Johnson, I look forward to purchasing the book and sharing it with my friends. I am cheered on every day by the thoughts you share on your blog. Enjoy your BYU Education Week experience. Wish I could be there.

  7. Sherrie, congratulations from TX! I hear you had a great visit with Meleah and family! I can't wait to hear what your new book title is and to read it myself. I always get inspired when I read your blog. Speaking of medical cousin's 3.5 yr old daughter just had surgery this week for cerebral palsey to hopefully be able to walk unassisted. It's pretty fascinating what they did. So far it looks like God's hands will help her accomplish her goals. She has to have physical therapy 5 days a week for the next 6 months. It's been fun to watch on FB and her Care page. Here's the link to the surgery:

    It's amazing what they can do these days!

    Hugs, Wendy

  8. Wendy, Thanks for the kind words. It was so fun to see Meleah and Ferg again. We had a wonderful time. And thanks for sharing the story of your cousin's daughter. I'll be praying for her.
