Saturday, July 25, 2009

Trusting Father

Having some of the grand kids here has brought back a lot of memories of when my own children were young. I’ve watched my daughters and their husbands parenting, and I remember the feelings of longing I had to do what was right for each child. Usually the day to day activities kept me so busy I didn’t have time to ponder on it much, but when I stopped and did have time to think, the responsibility of helping my children return to their Heavenly Father was overwhelming. And when I made mistakes in my parenting, it hurt! In short, what I’m trying to explain here is that I tried to do my best and always wanted the best for my children and I see my own children demonstrating that exact same desire with their children.

These thoughts have made me think of a verse of scripture, “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give good gifts, through the Holy Spirit, to them who ask him” (JST Luke 11:14). I made mistakes in my parenting, but our Father in heaven doesn’t make mistakes. He gives us good things and helps us through our problems in perfect ways. We can trust that what He gives and does is always right. Oh, the peace and hope that should give us. All we have to do is trust in Him.


  1. I loved this beautiful post - thank you and have a wonderful Sunday.

  2. That last paragraph gives me a lot of hope. Thanks. :)

  3. Kellie, Thank you and I hope you had a great Sabbath also. Mine was wonderful. I had three grandsons with me!!!

  4. Wendi, The gospel is a hope filled message, isn't it!!!
