Saturday, July 18, 2009

Miracles Happen

Miracles happen.

Miracles really do happen. I’m sure if you are reading this blog you already know that and believe it. But sometimes we tend to subconsciously modify that thought to be, “Miracles happen to other people.” Not so! Miracles happen to you.

Repeat that phrase again right out loud and pay attention to how you feel when you say it, “Miracles happen.”

Just saying it brings feelings of empowerment and strength into your heart. All of us know miracles happen, but in our day to day experiences we come up against something that our logic tells us is impossible to surmount and we give in to logic instead of clinging to the fact that miracles happen. I know they do. Again, if you’ve been reading this blog for very long, you know that I have been the recipient of some major miracles. I’ve also been the beneficiary of hundreds of smaller miracles.

So my challenge to you is that at the first sign of discouragement, simply repeat to yourself out loud, “Miracles happen. Miracles happen. Miracles happen.” And then do all you can to make good of the situation, and wait expectantly for the miracle! It will happen.


  1. What a hope-filled post. Thanks for the reminder. :)

  2. I love this post. :) And it's so true.

  3. Aunt Sherri- I couldn't have read this post at a better time! I love you and you are so inspired! I hope things are going well for you! Thanks!

  4. Martha, Thank you. I hope all is going well for you!

  5. Jessie, I can't wait to hear all about your trip to Africa. When are you going to come down?

  6. I need to come down soon!!! Maybe one of these days my mom and I can come and take you out to lunch!! :)

  7. I would love to go to lunch and hear all about it! Just name the day!
