Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Why Worry Over One Percent?

I’ve never been much of a worrier, but when I worry I REALLY worry. I blame it on the vivid imagination I have. That’s what I’ve been working on eliminating. I once read that worry is like rocking in a rocking chair. It takes up time, but doesn’t get you anywhere. But it is worse than that! The rocking makes a rut in the ground that sinks you deeper and deeper in despair.

It has also been purported that 95% of the things we worry about never come to pass and of the 5% that does come about, four out of five of those things turn out better than what we anticipated. And of that last one percent that actually does happen, it is usually not as bad as we thought it would be.

So why do we worry? I don’t have a clue. Why make ourselves miserable when we don’t need to. When we Live in Truth, we deal with what is, not with what might be. That simple way of dealing with life saves so much pain. So stop worrying! Be happy!


  1. Thanks. This was a good pep talk for me. And I love that funny little picture. :)

  2. I needed this today. Our new grandson 4 days old isn't gaining weight and is dehydrated. This made me feel like all is going to be okay. Thanks!

  3. This week has been a worrisome week, with big and small things. Thanks for the reminder! Things really are working out better than I had imagined!

  4. Such wonderful advice. I'm like you: I don't worry much, but when I do, it's always to the extreme. It's funny because I know that I have nothing to worry about, yet I still do. No clue why; I just have to remind myself to think rationally.

  5. Wendi, I'm glad you liked it. I love that picture also. It makes me laugh and breaks the spell of worry and fear!

  6. Julie, I'm glad it helped you feel better and I'll be praying for your grandson. All will be well--faith, not fear, is the path that heals! Let me know how he does. xoxo

  7. Jenny, They always do work out better. You'd think we'd learn that from our own experiences with worry! we mortals are so funny!

  8. Alyssa, Good girl! You are learning this young! Rational thinking can save a lot of pain.
