Friday, August 21, 2009

Help When I Needed It

I definitely had help this week. I’ve often taught two, three, or even four hours in a row with no problems, but this is the first time since the surgery and radiation that I have done it and I didn’t realize how much physical strength teaching takes. This morning as I left, I wondered how I would make it through my classes. But I made it, and I know it was because I was blessed to be able to do so.

That reminds me of one of the miracles we talked about in the Messages in the Miracles of Jesus class this week. It is a miracle described in one simple verse in John 8:59—a mob seeks to kill Jesus, but he escapes through the multitude without being seen. It is such a simple miracle we tend to overlook it, but to me it sends a clear message that while we can’t always see or even know that Jesus is working in our lives, He is there helping us.

Today, I did know. But there are other days when I haven’t recognized His hand in my life. I realize now that many times when I’ve felt abandoned, He was there and I was unreceptive. I’m learning to recognize His help and to be grateful for it. I’m especially grateful today!


  1. I'm glad you made it through your day. Hope you have a relaxing weekend. :)

  2. I'm so glad you made it through and had such a great experience. You will get stronger as you go on. We always are in awe of the miracles in the scriptures and sometimes forget that some of the best ones happen right in our own day to day lives. I'm sure your students went home enriched and I hope you have a lovely weekend to reflect on it all.

  3. Sherrie: I wrote you an email only to discover that I do not have your email address. I hope it is not inappropriate to post it here.

    Dear Sister Johnson,

    It was a pleasure for me to attend everyone of your classes at BYU Education Week this year. Please know that your efforts have blessed others beyond measure.

    I would like to briefly share an experience I had right in the middle of Ed Wk. After receiving an overwhelming, heart-wrenching phone call between classes I phoned my husband's cell phone and told him we had to talk at once. We met in front of the Administration Building where on a lonely bench I shared the unbelievable news. It was so wrong, so unfair, so impossible to overcome. We were helpless to assist. We were sucked deep into the Realm of Illusion in an instant. Then, at the same moment, my husband and I looked at each other and spoke the exact words: "But the Living Truth is . . ."

    The next day I attended your class on the Savior's miracles as recorded by John and found in them insights - not so much to help my understanding of our son's burden, but more so to help renew my trust in our Savior's ability to guide him through it. I know the Savior lives. He operates in truth. Thank you for teaching me a clear and sure way to keep grounding myself in that truth.

    Dear Sister, you have no idea how much good you are doing. Thank you for your powerful example and excellent teachings. Thank you for sharing at Ed Wk and please hurry with that book!

    With love and appreciation,
    Susan B. Mitchell

  4. Susan, Thank you so very much. Teaching at Ed. week this years was harder than I thought it would be physically. I don't have all my strength back from the surgery and radiation, but a comment like yours makes it all worth it. Thank you!
