Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm Learning to Wait for Life

There’s a lesson in life that has been very difficult for me to learn. That is to slow down and take life as it comes. All my life I’ve tried to make life happen and it doesn’t work that way. As I’ve realized how silly I’ve been, I’ve pictured myself out in the garden tugging at a corn stalk trying to make it grow faster and taller. It doesn’t work. As a matter of fact, if I tug too hard, instead of helping the corn grow, I pull it out of the ground and destroy it.

Life unrolls like a plant growing and there is nothing I can do to hurry it up or slow it down. Instead I need to trust that my life is “unrolling” at the pace the Lord intends and in the direction He wants it to go. Then I can spend my energies on things that really do matter and things that can make a difference.


  1. The things you write have made a huge difference in my life over the past year. Thanks for spending at least some of your energies on this blog. :)

  2. Good thoughts Mom! Love ya and miss you guys and all the 'fun times'. Thanks for everything you did for us while we were in Utah.

  3. I needed to hear this today. Thanks Sherrie!

  4. Wendi, Thank you! You always brighten my day.

  5. Talena, Thank you. It's so nice to have your children grow up and actually listen to you! :) It was a wonderful time. I miss you, too!

  6. Karen, I'm glad it helped out. Congratulations on your new calling! You'll be wonderful.

  7. Oh gosh. I wish I could of pictured this years ago, when I wanted to throw rocks at Heavenly Father, not me not being married. It doesn't work! growth is slow.
