Sunday, August 9, 2009

Love Begets Love

Church was especially good today. As always the speakers and lessons were good. But today for some reason the Lord blessed me with the gift of observation. For example, while sitting in Sacrament Meeting I happened to glance up and see a grandmother as she lovingly lifted her grandson onto her lap. Her face literally radiated her love for and joy in this young boy. And that radiated joy and love sunk deep into my heart to warm and delight me.

Then during Sunday SchooI a few minutes into the class the door opened and a man sitting in front of me turned to see who was coming into the room. When he saw it was his wife, the same joy and love radiated—again literally—from his face. This couple has been married for over 25 years, and they have a large family that taxes and drains parents emotionally and in many other ways. But if I hadn’t known how long they had been married, I would have thought by the way he looked at her that they were newlyweds.

I could go on with several more stories, but you get the idea. It has been a tender day for me and I appreciate it. None of these people know what they shared with me and yet my heart is lighter and my day brighter because of them. I learned so much from watching them.

It has reminded me that those who love God, love each other. It has also reminded me that pure love is a gift from God and the closer we draw to Him, the better able we are to love others. But the most important thing I was reminded of is the fact that love begets love. As we share it with those we love, often others are also touched and lifted by its power.



  1. What a beautiful thought for the Sabbath!(Every other day also) Thank you.

  2. Such a profound principle, when we love God we love each other! Why is it so difficult to explain to those who are struggling to simply accept someone? Thank you for always going back to the truth of things.

  3. This is so great. It is so true though; love and happiness are so incredibly contagious. It's just lovely.

  4. Cathie, Thank you. I hope you had a great Sabbath also. It is such a wonderful day.

  5. Cathy, Thank you. The basics are so true, aren't they! And I, too, wish everyone could see how wonderful it is.

  6. Alyssa, It is amazing how contagious they are, isn't it! That's why it's such a blessing to have happy, loving people in our lives.
