Monday, August 3, 2009

My Book Has A Title!

We finally arrived at a title for my new book. It will be called, Gospel Insights for Everyday Living. Do ou like that? The book is similar to this blog only a little more detailed. It consists of little essays on gospel topics—things I teach in my religion classes at BYU.

I am working frantically to put some finishing touches on it, and then it is due at the publisher by the end of the week. I’m happy with the way things are moving along, and I’ll keep you informed on when it will be out.

Thanks for all your kind words. Writing a book is a lot of work and your encouragement here on this blog has cheered me on—even though most of you didn’t know I was writing a book! Thanks, my blog friends!


  1. So exciting! I like the title. I think it captures what you're writing about. :)Can't wait to read it.

  2. That's a great title. Good luck with the finishing touches. :)

  3. That's Fantastic!!! I'm excited for you and even more excited to read it.

  4. It's a great title and nice to know that while you're always writing words of encouragement to us, your blog helped you along, too. It certainly is something exciting to look forward to, I know it will be you at your best.

  5. I LOVE the title. I can't wit to read it. I will tell my bookstore here to watch out for it. Let me know when it comes out.

  6. To Alyssa, Wendi, Liz, Cathie, and Laresa, THANKS! You are all wonderful!

  7. I was here first LOL!!! Congrats, can't wait to read the book...I'll expect an autographed copy :)

  8. FINALLY! That is a fabulous title and you are a fabulous writer. I can't wait to have a few (10-12) signed copies to give to friends, neighbors etc. Your blog writing makes me want to sit with my scriptures so much longer then ever before. I want jewels of my own. The things you pull out of your brain never cease to amaze me. I know I sound like a broken record...i just love your stuff- and you!

  9. Dusty, How good to hear from you again! It's been a long time. And you haven't even been keeping up your blog so I can keep track of what you are doing! Are you coming to Education Week? Hope to see you!
