Friday, August 28, 2009

My New Baby!

After a grueling week of reading the typeset copy of my book Gospel Insights for Everyday Living on my computer, I feel like my brain is fried. But I am excited! I’ll read it one more time tomorrow looking for typos we haven’t caught before and then it should go to press on Monday.

Writing a book is a lot like having a baby. The gestation period is long and lonely. But I get attached to it even before it is “born,” and can’t wait to see what it will look like once it is finished. I struggle with the changes editors want to make, and when things are cut, I feel the labor pains intensely! But once the book is done and on the shelves of book stores, I know I’ll forget the pain and only be excited. Soon!

I’ll keep you posted as to when it will be in stores. If you like the book, by all means tell me. If you don’t, please keep it a secret. Remember it is my baby you’re talking about!


  1. There's no reason anyone wouldn't like it. You have great insights into the gospel with a fresh and very readable writing style. It will be awesome! :)

  2. I am so excited for you another baby. And this one will be so beautiful just like her sisters and brother. lol!

  3. Mom, you are so funny! I am so excited for you and your adventures!

  4. Is this the book about Living Truth? I can hardly wait to see it. Like your analogy. Also a writer, I appreciate your "labor pains," but again like having a baby, the joy after delivery is worth it all. Be sure to let us know about ALL book signings!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I too, am excited for your new book. I must say also, that I have been delighted to see that through Grizelda, surgery, no hair, radiation, cyberknife and whatever of the many miserable moments you have had to endure, that you have not lost your wonderful sense of humor. Your wit and wisdom and loving thoughts have made reading your blog everyday something to look forward to. Your derserve everything that your "new baby" brings to you. :)
    One question- Do you think it will have your blue eyes??

  7. I can't wait. I want to be one of the first to buy one. So excited to feel your joy. Love Pat

  8. What a great analogy- I love it. I am so excited for your book to come out!

  9. Wendi, You are too kind. It has been exciting to write a book again. I love writing!

  10. Laresa, I hope you'll like your new sister!

  11. Talena, Thanks. I'm excited to see how you'll like it.

  12. Susan, It's nice to know someone who understands the journey! This isn't the truth book. This is a book called Gospel Insights for Everyday Living. If I had to compare it with something, I'd compare it to Remen's book Kitchen Table Wisdom, only with a gospel theme. It is short essays on gospel principles. I loved writing it.

  13. Pat, Thank you for the words of encouragement! I sit in the quiet of my library day after day writing and then wonder if anyone in the world will even read it. Your excitement was joy to my heart!!!

  14. Anissa, Thank you! I can't wait to hear what you think of it. xoxo
