Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I am so thankful you can’t see me right now. I’ve been sitting in this exact spot since 9:00 this morning. (It is now 3:30 pm!) My sitter-downer is sore. I look like a used dish rag. My eyes are bloodshot. My mind feels more fried than when it was radiated. I have the energy left in me of a peanut. I haven’t even combed my hair today, but then (I forgot!) that doesn’t matter anymore. It looks the same combed or uncombed.

The good news is that tired as I am, I just submitted the book! I finished making the changes, adding what I wanted to add, and doing everything else that was needed. The manuscript is now in the editor’s hands. Oh, happy day! Now to get ready for BYU Education Week. Another happy adventure!


  1. WoHoo and congratulations!! Making such a big, pressured deadline shows you really are back to your old self, even if you're a lot more tired than you'd like to be. Pace yourself now as you get ready for Education Week and I have no doubt you will shine like a diamond.:)

  2. Cathie, You really should have been a cheerleader when we were in high school! We would have won every game with you leading the cheering section. You are wonderful!

  3. Congratulations! I'm so happy for your accomplishment. :)

    I have a couple of accomplishments to share too. I used to be ultra-organized, but over the past 10 years that has gradually changed as my illness has escalated. However, over the last month I've thrown away 28 pounds of paper clutter--I actually weighed it as I was going along, so that I could quantify my accomplishment.

    And then, today, the Lord answered my prayer in a big way. I went over to ask my best friend to pray for me so that I could focus enough to clear the junk that has coated my bedroom floor for months. But she decided to come over and actually help me for 2 1/2 hours instead. And we did it! I just finished vacuuming. I'm so thankful. :)

  4. So happy for you that it is turned in. I love it when I complete a deadline or project.

  5. Wendi,Way to go! And what a great friend. I'll bet it feels so good!

  6. Cilla, (I'm assuming it's you!) Thanks. It is a great feeling to be done with this part of the project!

  7. Carissa, How wonderful to hear from you! I hope all is going well with you. Are you coming back to school this fall?

  8. Yes, I am coming back to school this fall. Sorry I didn't write back sooner. I ran into your husband at Emma Sparkman's wedding luncheon, and he made me promise to visit when I am down there. So hopefully I will be seeing you soon!
