Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Writing Truth

I learned a lot last week while teaching my two classes, especially the Truth Shall Make You Free class. I’ve been studying these things for several years now and working hard to incorporate them into my life. But when I learn things, it is seldom in words. Feelings come to me that teach me and then I struggle to put the feelings into the right words. Teaching forces me to articulate what I have learned, but it always brings me face to face with the things I’m not articulating well or have failed to articulate at all.

With Education Week behind me, I will be going back through the book and adding what I learned by teaching, and stripping out the extraneous things that don’t need to be there, and then I’ll submit it. If you’ve had experiences with the Truth Tools, Truth Test, storytelling, necessary and/or unnecessary pain, or with moving from the Pit of Illusion to the Realm of Truth or any of the other principles we’ve talked about in the past on this blog or in my classes, now is the time to share them. I’d love more real-life experiences to use in the book. I can change names and circumstances so that no one will recognize you—if you want. But the stories of how the Truth Tools and Living in Truth work are so much more powerful than me just describing it. So if you care to share, and don’t want to go public by leaving your stories here as a comment, then email me your story: smillsjo at gmail dot com.

I hope to hear from you all soon!


  1. I don't have anything out of the ordinary to share. But I am really thankful for these things you've shared on your blog and at the Women's Conference I attended in your stake. Yesterday, I was feeling discouraged for no good reason. So, I went out to get some fresh air and work in the yard in the evening. I focused on trying to anchor myself and then I took the time to notice the sunshine breaking through the clouds. I had just gone in and asked my husband for a blessing and it felt like Heavenly Father gave me that moment to help me know that he was aware of me and loved me. :)

  2. Wendi, thank you for sharing. Anchoring is one of the Truth Tools I use most. It never ceases to amaze me what God has waiting for me if I just stop and pay attention. Thank you! You are wonderful!

  3. Thinking about emailing you, but can you give me a deadline? How long do we have to send you stories?

  4. Martha, It will take me awhile--so a deadline would be the end of Sept. I love to hear from you! thanks.

  5. I don't have any specific comments about what you've taught. However, I do think about the intentional/unintentional pain that I cause myself and try to behave accordingly. I also remember the story you told about your daughter dumping a whole gallon of milk on the floor and you joining in on the "fun". That helps me to not overreact to "spilled milk" situations. I can't wait for your book to come out. Keep us posted! Thanks!

  6. She-Mulk, Thank you for the feed-back. It does help to know what sticks with people! I appreciate your taking the time to write.

  7. Due to time constraints, I can't quote, but I am sure of these things. "Let not your heart become callous." If you think about it, hearts physically can not get callouses on them, only feet. In ephesians, part of the armor of. God is to have your feet fitted with the gospel of peace. Jesus only asks one thing of. us, that is to love our neighbor as ourself. The love of Jesus Christ transcends all peace. If we truly love, we have no callouses on our hearts, thus on our feet. If our hearts have grown hard, ask Jesus to come in and make them like new again. Ask him to remove the callouses that are on them. Invite the love of Christ to transform you, that is by LOVE.

  8. I was the only person at the church for stake council meeting tonight. August 30th, 7:30, High Council Room??????? Would you believe it was at 7:30 this morning! Talk about embarrassed! I feel so terrible, stupid, slothful, but "the living truth is" . . . I missed an important meeting. I could stress over it and beat myself up because I should have been there - I shouldn't have been so stupid - I should have read the email more carefully - should, should, should. Instantly I was sucked into the Realm of Illusion with negative thoughts and feelings. Now I have to peel off these negative, dark layers (and self inflicted labels) of untruth that cause unnecessary pain and work my way back into the Realm of Truth where the Lord operates – where He still loves me and where I know He will help me never do that again!
    O-kay, so this is a simple, little example, but that’s just it – we are constantly bombarded with “simple little” things that could trick us if we aren’t alert, or overwhelm us if we let them add up. Speaking for myself, it is necessary to hang onto the Living Truth for dear life!
