Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bask In Love

As mortals we crave love. All of us want to feel accepted and loved and cherished. The strange thing is that the very thing we crave—love—is being offered to us moment by moment by Jesus Christ. He loves us and wants us to feel accepted, loved and cherished, but while He offers the very thing we are craving, we often turn our backs on Him and instead try to appease our longing with self-love or love from others. It is like thirsting and at the same time refusing the pure, clear water being offered us because we don’t like the cup it is in.

As the Savior once said, “As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love” (John 15:9). Notice he admonishes US to continue in His love. He never withdraws it. To lose it, we must turn away from it.

So how do we continue in His love? Stop right now and feel it. Soak it in. If you can’t feel it, ask to feel it. Stay quiet and observant until you feel it. Then bask in it for a moment so that you can remember the feeling. Memorize it. Pay attention so that you can return to this state any time you want and in any place you want. Come back any time you are tempted by feelings that you are unloved. The more you practice this, the easier it is to feel it. This is the safest place in the world, and the invitation from Jesus Christ Himself is to continue there. He loves you!


  1. I am glad I learned this idea a long time ago. It has got me through some tough times. And also on days when I just need to soak it, I sure do know how it feels. I love how you said "memorize it". Because that is a feeling I don't ever want to forget.

  2. I posted a link on one of my inspiration blogs that you would enjoy. :)

  3. you are an inspiration! i am a fan and a new follower. I am linking the girls in my Relief Society to your stories weekly! Thank you!

  4. Laresa, And I hope you never forget it! It can carry you through a lot of bad times.

  5. Wendi, thank you for the link! It was beautiful. Do you know who was singing? I liked his earthy voice and that is my all time favorite song! Thanks again.

  6. Miss Amy, Thank you for stopping by and for leaving a comment and for sharing my blog with others. We all need each other! Just be sure you put my name on the things you pass along to preserve the copyright. Thanks again!
