Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I'm Back to Work!

After nine months I’m teaching again at Brigham Young University. I have missed it so much and can’t even being to put into words what it means to be in the classroom again. I only have one class this semester, which seems strange, but it will be good to have a light schedule for awhile. And I can already tell that my one class is a good class. I could barely make myself leave my office today, it felt so good. Have I told you how good it is?!!!!

I am really feeling the meaning of the Book of Mormon words so often repeated, “And it came to pass.” Time does pass on and things do work out the way they are supposed to. The most important thing is that the Lord helps us no matter what the outcome. I’m just glad that this time the outcome was to return to teaching.


  1. You are a born teacher and writer. How could the class NOT be good with you as the teacher?! I'm thankful that your health has returned enough for you to teach again. And I also am thankful that the Lord helps us no matter what the outcome. My mom has been here helping me de-clutter over the last two days and I've been so appreciative of her help. The Lord has answered my prayers through her. :)

  2. I loved being your student, your insight into the gospel and the Book of Mormon was just the spark I needed to have a deeper love of reading the scriptures. I am so happy for you and your students. Thank you!

  3. Wendi, Your mother is fantastic. I'll bet the de-cluttering feels good.That's what I need to do now the book is done.

  4. Cathy, Thank you for the kind words. You are so thoughtful!

  5. I'm so glad you can go back to work. The more you get back to normal, the farther you move away from Grizelda and all the problems she has caused you. You are truly a teacher by nature so it is a perfect fit. You love teaching and your students love being taught by you. I would love to be in one of your classes sometime. This is just the first semester of many more to come!

  6. What a blessing for the students in your class. I know they will enjoy the spirit you bring each time you teach. Enjoy your journey.

  7. I'm with Cathy. I am grateful you're back at work so more students can learn as much from your influence as I did!


  8. Cathie, Thanks. You are a fantastic cheerleader!!!!

  9. Julie, Thanks, but it is the students that are a blessing in my life. They keep me young!

  10. Annie, Thank you. You are so kind. How is married life going?
