Thursday, September 17, 2009

Music In My Soul

Fall always amazes me. It is the season of approaching death when leaves turn dry and brittle and drop to the ground, and yet there is such majesty in fall. The air takes on a musical quality that makes you want to sing. Unlike spring’s soprano quality, fall has a contralto voice—warm, resilient tones that send hope seeping into the very marrow of the bones. Fall knows that the death of winter is approaching, but fall also knows that the resurrection of spring will certainly follow.

I learn so many things as I contemplate the seasons. But most of all I love their music. If you stop to listen carefully, you will hear it. Music is powerful in what it can do to our hearts. In our home when the children were growing up we had a rule that you could fight and argue all you wanted, but you had to sing it. In the mornings I’d suddenly hear one of the girls break out in off-key-opera best, “You wore my shirt and you didn’t wash it. I wanted to wear it today!” But about half-way through this musical outburst she’d be laughing so hard she couldn’t stay mad. And the rest of us would laugh along.

I find it works for me also. When I’m upset, worried, or frightened about something I start singing my thoughts instead of ranting, raving, or complaining and it is absolutely impossible to stay upset. In this case, music really is medicine for the soul, and it has the same affect as the music of the season fall. It instills hope deep into the soul.


  1. I love your thoughts about the seasons. And that "singing your argument" idea has always been an amusing one to me. :)

    P.S I also love this week's affirmation and words of encouragement. Thanks for sharing them. What would I do without your blog? It uplifts me more than you will ever know. (Which is probably why I comment so excessively.) :)

  2. Wendi, Thanks! We once lived in Texas and I loved it except I missed the changing seasons. They are wonderful.

  3. Martha, Surprisingly, it really works. The best part was when they'd forget to sing and start to argue, I didn't have to argue back, I just said, "Sing it, girls, sing it!"

  4. Love it! Fall is my one of my favorite times...not too cold, but not warm. I love the changing colors. It's all so beautiful!

  5. Fall is my favorite time, too. It's like the world is at it's very best before it goes to sleep for the winter. Speaking of music, there is a CD called "The Chan Brothers Quiet Inspiration". They play original arrangements of various church hymns and classical music on the violin and piano. It is so beautiful and just makes you feel wonderful. You can buy it online, I also think at Seagull and Deseret Book. It has become my number one favorite, especially when I feel tired or drained and need something to raise me up. Happy Fall to you!!

  6. Cathie, Thanks for the information. Sounds like a great CD. I'm going to find it!

  7. That is an awesome argument rule! How did you enforce it/make it the norm???

    I love fall too. There's just something terrific about the gentle chill in the air.

    By the way, I am so glad you are doing well,and that your new hairstyle looks great!

  8. Michaela, I'd just start singing to them. When everyone is laughing there is nothing to enforce. Thanks for the care and concern. It means a lot to me! Where are you now?
