Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Another Book Giveaway!

As promised I am giving away two copies of my book Man, Woman, and Deity this week. Writing this book was a labor of love that took five years of research. I learned so much! It is difficult for me to describe the book in a few words. It is about men and women and their eternal roles. It is about why God has ordained marriage and the eternal significance of the marital relationship but in a way that is interesting to single people as well as married. In other words, it isn't a marriage book but more a theory of marriage book. It explains why family is the foundation of all else in the gospel of Jesus Christ. So if you are interested in any of those discussions, you will be interested in Man, Woman, and Deity.

The contest will work the same as last week's contest. If you want to enter, simply leave a comment after this entry. The contest will go until Friday at midnight. Saturday I will number the entries, randomly draw two out, and announce the winner.

Thanks for all the kind comments last week. It makes writing this blog a lot more fun when I hear from you!


  1. You're so inspirational! I would LOVE a copy of your book. Take care.

  2. Enter me for this contest too! I'd love a copy. Thanks!

  3. Thank you for your optimism and faith. I would love to have your book!

  4. I'd love a copy! If I don't win a copy, where would I find your book?

  5. I still remember the fireside you did at the Connells several years ago on marriage and the temple. It was fabulous! I'd love to get this book!

  6. I would love to read this book.

  7. You were my Book of Mormon teacher my freshman year. I remember one of our lessons about marriage and the roles of men and women particularly. I loved it so much I went home and showed the slides to my family and tried to give them the lesson. I was married to my sweetheart on August 21st and I have loved seeing those eternal principles play out in our life. And when we discuss those things, I often find myself drawing on what I learned in your class. I would LOVE to have a copy of your book and learn more from you, but mostly I just wanted to take this chance to say thank you!

  8. We would love to have more of your inspiring words in our home =)

  9. Hi Sis. Johnson! You were my Book of Mormon proffesor my freshman year at BYU. I learned so much from you. You inspired me to be a strong woman in the gospel. I am getting married in a month and I could really use this book! I would love it.

  10. This books sounds very interesting too. I'd love a copy.

  11. I would love to read this book!

  12. Thanks for all of your wisdom. I appreciate your blog!

  13. I too would love a copy of your book! I also want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for coming and sharing with our ward last weekend. Your words are so powerful! I can't imagine how AMAZING it would be to take a Book of Mormon class from you like some have commented on here.

  14. I would love to read this book. I love reading your blog. Thanks so much for being such an inspiration. I love working with your husband. You're both so kind.

  15. Hi Sherrie,
    I know my mom loves this book. I would love it too. Thank you for being so generous and giving away your books.

  16. I don't know you personally but I am in awe at you and your wonderful reputation for a gospel centered life. I would love to read more of your thoughts on marriage. I am sure they are inspiring.

  17. Hooray! I can't wait to read it!! You're an inspiration.

  18. Thanks for sharing your books and thoughts with us. You are awesome!

  19. I would love one of your books Sherrie! You are wonderful!

  20. I have a copy of this book so I don't need to be entered into the drawing but I just wanted to let you know that if I didn't I would want it:)

  21. I attended your presentation at a relief society meeting last night and it was tremendous. I would LOVE a copy of your book! I am so glad to find out about you! :) And look forward to following your blog from now on.

  22. Sherrie, your words are so inspiring. They have been resonating in my mind ever since I heard them at Women’s Conference and at our West Bountiful 7th ward RS activity. They have replaced the painful stories I found I was telling myself. Thank you for that very visual outline of the differences between this Telestial World’s necessary pain and my self-inflicted unnecessary pain. I also loved your description of anchoring myself when I start feeling that anxious darkness envelop me. I commit to center myself in truth and avoid the Pit of Illusion!

    Please sign me up as an entry for your book. I’m an avid reader and love uplifting books to fill my mind with truths that I can draw on when I need them.

  23. Enter me in your giveaway! I would love to read this book.

  24. I attended a talk by you last night and loved it. I had heard all of the principles that you mentioned last night, but not fleshed out the way you fleshed them out and not supported by scripture. But it is the Holy Ghost that witnesses of truth anyway. I was divorced a few years ago and have been on a path of growth. I feel that Heavenly Father sends me each piece of truth day by day as I follow what He teaches me. Yes, I would love a copy of your book!

  25. I would love to read any of your books! I will buy one for myself for Christmas this year!

  26. I enjoy reading your blog so much. Thank you!

  27. Pick me! I would love to read your book.

  28. This looks like a 5 star book. I think I'd read it. I'm looking forward to this sunday's RS lesson! On temples, right?

  29. I would love a copy! Where can I get a copy of your newest one? I couldn't find it online.

  30. I just clicked on the book and got my question answered :) I am ordering it today! Thanks Sherrie!

  31. Love your writing on your blog so I know I would love your book!

  32. It's always more fun to read a book when you know the author! It's sure enjoyable walking with you! Roma

  33. I'd love a copy. Enjoy walking and learning from you.

  34. This would be a perfect gift for a friend of mine, although I just might be tempted to keep it myself! :-)
