Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Best Is On Its Way!

During the past year as I’ve gone through brain surgery, radiation, and treatment for skin cancer I have learned so much about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Before then I knew the intellectual answers as to what the Atonement was and how important it is in our lives. I knew about the Atonement in my head. But this year my heart has learned a lot of things about the Atonement my head never comprehended. In my heart I now feel the ache of how empty life would be without the Atonement. There would be no miracles, no tender mercies. There would be no love, no light, no life.

As my heart has grown with feelings, I’ve learned some of the more subtle things that are made possible by the Atonement. For example, only someone who does not believe in the Atonement of Jesus Christ would think that the future will be the same as the past. Because of the Atonement change is not only possible but extremely probable. Each new day is full of possibility. When we live in Truth, we realize that nothing—no matter how bad or traumatic it is—that has happened to us need impact what is yet to happen unless we let it. Jesus Christ can heal our past, and He can arrange our future. Yes, we will have temporary learning experiences that might be unpleasant, but we learn, move on knowing the best is yet to come.


  1. "Only someone who does not believe in the Atonement of Jesus Christ would think that the future will be the same as the past."

    Thank you for this insight; it refocused my perspective for today. I appreciate your courage to share your testimony of the Savior.

  2. As you know, I am VERY grateful for the Atonement. For as long as I can remember, it has been what has pulled me through. It has given me hope and enough courage to continue to try again. :)

  3. Amanda, Thank you. I'm glad I could help you refocus. We all need that daily! Life pulls us off center so easily. Thanks for stopping by and for leaving your thoughts!

  4. Wendi, The Atonement is a powerful anchor. Thanks for adding your thoughts. And thanks again for the Smilebox. It was wonderful!
