Saturday, October 24, 2009

Drum Roll For The Winners, Please

These book giveaways have been so much fun for me that I wish I could afford to just give everyone who enters a book. Maybe someday. . .  In the meantime, the winners for the book Man, Woman, and Deity (which were picked at random from my sweet smelling once-a-chocolate-box) are #7 Martha, and #29 Melinda A. If you two will please email me (smillsjo at gmail dot com), and give me your addresses, I will send the books out on Monday. All I ask is that you let me know what you think of the book after you've read it.

Thanks everyone for entering. And next week on Tuesday the drawing will begin for two of my new books, Gospel Insights For Everyday Living. It is just off the press and barely onto bookstore shelves. You can read about it on Amazon by clicking on the book image on the left.

Thanks again.


  1. well that's not good news! for me, anyway :)

  2. Jen, You are too funny! :) There is always this weeks giveaway! I'm wishing you luck!

  3. Hi Sherrie -- please include me! Wendy James aka The Texans. Hope all is well with you!

  4. I am so excited for your class that starts next week! I only wish it were starting this week, because I am so excited.... I love your blog, it helps fill a need to consider spiritual growth with others!
