Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Givaway: My Book - Gospel Insights for Everyday Living

This week, as I promised, I am giving away two copies of my new book, Gospel Insights for Everyday Living.  Writing this book was a labor of love. It consists of insights I have gleaned over the years about what the gospel of Jesus Christ is all about, and how it operates in our lives to bring joy and peace and hope into daily living. The “chapters” are very short. (That’s why I put chapters in quotation marks—they are so short they almost can’t be called chapters.)  Each chapter zeros in on one gospel principle and usually just one idea about that principle so that you can read a chapter in a few minutes while waiting for the carpool or for an appointment or whenever you have a few minutes.

Soooo. . . if you would like a chance to win a copy of Gospel Insights just leave a comment below. The contest will be open until Friday at midnight. Saturday morning I will randomly draw two winners from among those who leave comments and post the names here on the blog. Tell anyone who might be interested and you are welcome to post this on your own blogs in case anyone else wants to join in.

I love this giving away thing!!! Good luck!


  1. Sounds like a really awesome book!!!! :)

  2. I love this giving away thing too! I can't wait to read it.

  3. Thank you, Sherrie. I would love a copy, although if I don't win, I'm still going to buy one. :-)

  4. Sounds like a great read. Thanks for sharing.

  5. This would be wonderful for at the bus stop!

  6. I'd love to be entered in the contest :) Thanks!

  7. You are so generous to share this book with your readers. :)

  8. I'm not going to enter for myself, because I have already won a book, but I will link this on my blog!

  9. Thank you for keeping up this blog, it is a good way to get my spiritual strength throughout the week. Oh, and I would love a copy too! :)

  10. I always give my kids a book for Christmas. This book is what they will get this year. But don't tell them. I would love to win one for myself. Thanks!

  11. This sounds like a great book Sister Johnson! The idea of short chapters especially sounds appealing to we moms who are short on time! :)

    I would appreciate being entered in the give away, too! Thanks! :)

  12. Ohhhhh, I've been waiting for this one! Pick me, please!!! Thanks, Mom, your the best!

  13. Jennifer Jacobsen DaleOctober 27, 2009 at 6:49 PM

    Is there any way to make the randomness of the drawing not so random, so I can win? I could really use this book right now!!

  14. I'd love it! I'd read it! I'd share it with all my friends!

  15. I know you don't really know who I am, but I really admire you and think that are an inspiration in my life so please I would like a chance at that book. Thanks!

  16. Since I have copies of your other books I didn't feel it was fair to comment but this one I've been waiting for. Hope all is well with you Sis. Johnson. Love, TeLene

  17. I would also love a copy of this book. You are wonderful!

  18. even if i don't win, i still want a copy of this book! count me in! :)

  19. Would love to share this book with my family.

  20. I bet it's just as insightful as your daily posts. Thanks for sharing yourself with me.

  21. I would love a copy! I hope this is my lucky number! :)

  22. so nice of you...sounds like my kind of reading, lol!

  23. Dear Cousin,

    (I love being able to say that). Loved your lesson Sunday, and I would love a copy of your book.

  24. I've already given away two. Now I want one for myself! Love you, Sherrie.

  25. Sherrie, please enter my name. I'd love to get a "free" copy since I'll probably one otherwise! Thinking of your chocolate box drawing now....

    Wendy James aka The Texans

  26. Even if I don't win this one I still am going to buy it! You're so great Sherrie! :)

  27. Thanks for your uplifting posts! I enjoy them so much.

  28. Love to read your comments, and try to apply them in my life.

  29. I would love this book, can't seem to find it anywhere else!!

  30. I loved your Pearl of Great Price class when I was at BYU, so I was excited to find your blog. I would love a copy of this book. :)

  31. Please enter me! I would love to win! :)

  32. Can I enter? :) I would love to one.

  33. I am half way through Man, Woman and Diety-absolutely love it! Would love to read more of your writing!

  34. It sounds like a wonderful book. Can't wait to read it.

  35. I would love to have a copyy of this book!

  36. I would love, love, love to receive this book!! :o) I get so inspired just reading your posts, I know I will just be so uplifted reading this book. :o)

  37. I cannot wait to read this book! You are awesome!

  38. My wife and I would love to read/use a copy of your book with its thoughts.

  39. Dear Sherrie, Sign me up for the contest, you always write something worthwhile ofr me to think about!

  40. You inspire me! I would love it!

  41. Sherrie,
    Since leaving the ward and stake, I have missed your inspiring and poignant thoughts. I would love to have a copy of your book just to bring some Sherrie back into my life on a regular basis. I miss you!
