Sunday, October 18, 2009

Happy Sabbath!

I love Sunday mornings. Up until the time of Jesus Christ, the Sabbath was celebrated on Saturday, but since the resurrection of Christ (on a Sunday morning!) Christians have celebrated the Sabbath on Sunday to commemorate that glorious event. So besides God proclaiming the Sabbath day to be holy, it is a day that celebrates the triumph of Jesus Christ.

I firmly believe that if you pay close attention you can feel the difference between the other days of the week and the Sabbath. Maybe that is one of the reasons we are told to rest from our labors on the Sabbath. Maybe it is resting that we are allowed to feel and partake of the holiness of the day. If you pay close attention Sabbath mornings have a special peace about them that is independent of weather or other worldly happenings. Sabbaths always feel sunny even if the sky is overcast and stormy. It is a sunny that warms the soul and sinks to the very marrow of the bones. Sabbath days are also full of hope. It is a paradox, but the silence of a Sabbath day rings with joy and love.

So enjoy! Let the Sabbath ring in you. Rest from your labors and soak in the holiness that is the day of the Lord.


  1. I love the Sabbath day! It is the best and I do agree that you can feel the difference, as for Sunday mornings, I go to church late and get up late, I will have to get back to you on that in January when we start going early!

  2. How true. Happy Sabbath to you and day of peace and happiness.

  3. Cathy, I'm so glad to hear other people can feel it! Good luck in January. We have been on the 9:00 and will move to 11. Halleluia!

  4. I love your comments about the Sabbath! It is a different day -- a different kind of feeling.

    You've been busy writing books, I see. I haven't looked on your blog for a while. Interesting! I will have to see what I can do to get one or two.

  5. Sundays are the best. I love how relaxing they can be. How the cares of the world seem to go away for the day. Yesterday I went for a drive up the canyon with someone and we looked at all of the changing colors, and walked around a bit and enjoyed nature. It was such a great time.

  6. Christi, It is different! Glad you've stopped by again!

  7. Alyssa, I'm glad you had a good Sabbath! Aren't the mountains beautiful! Soooo gorgeous this year.
