Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"Be Not Troubled"

It is difficult to open a newspaper or watch TV news without becoming discouraged. But in the New Testament Matthew tells us, “Ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled” (Matthew 23:6). This may at first seem like an impossible task. How can we see all the calamities, war, terror, looting, and evil around us and not be troubled? The answer to all that is Jesus Christ.

When we trust in Christ and look to Him instead of the worldly happenings, we can partake of His peace even in the midst of disaster. This is what Living in Truth is all about. When we trust that there are bad things in the world, but that through Jesus Christ all will be rectified and recompensed we can keep ourselves centered in His peace and not be battered about by every bit of bad news. The Savior is our hope and our anchor and our strength. He is the lighthouse we steer toward in the storm. He is the buoy we cling to in our trials. He is our salvation.

When we remember that we can have peace in a troubled world.


  1. Thank you for this post, Sherrie. I am thankful for the hope and peace that comes from the Savior. I had another set back with my emotional health this weekend, but have been thankful for the recent blue skies and sunshine that we've been blessed with. I am thankful that we can always brush ourselves off and try again because of the Atonement. :)

  2. thank you for the reminder :)

  3. Wendi, I'm sorry you suffered a setback, but like you, I know today is a new day and a new beginning. This day will be a good one!

  4. Jen, Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment!

  5. When I see something horrible in this world (such as the divorce rate being so high), I remind myself that Heavenly Father knew that it was going to be like this, and that He knew that we would overcome and gain eternal life if we put our trust in Christ.

  6. Dani, Oh so true. Thanks for adding your thoughts!
