Saturday, November 21, 2009

Just An Update

I've got a terrible tooth ache today. I've never had a tooth ache before so I guess it was time I experienced it. But I don't like it. Plus I've been getting my house ready for Thanksgiving company and I’ve been working too hard the last few days and my eye hurts. There’s something about lifting and straining that causes pressure where Grizelda resides. Don’t you all wish you had an excuse not to work like I do? But the downside is there are things that need to be done. You don’t really appreciate what a gift it is to be able to work long and hard until you can’t. (Believe me I never thought I’d be saying that!) All this from a girl who used to hide out in the orchard with a good book so her mother couldn’t ask her to work.

I hope you are all keeping your thanks giving lists and noting how it is making you feel to give thanks. We’ll report on Wednesday. But I will tell you I am grateful for all the new friends I’ve made blogging, and all the old friend who stop by. I love you all!


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your tooth ache and the pressure from Grizelda when you're trying to get things done. I hope you get feeling better soon.

    Here's what I'm thankful for: yesterday I was able to help my mom with sending out family reunion follow-up information to my dad's side of the family and today I was able to help her send out a plea for prayers to her side of the family--since her brother is in the ICU with heart trouble. Those kinds of things take a lot of work, but they're MUCH easier for me to do than they are for her. :)

  2. Owww, Sherrie, I am so sorry! A toothache is an experience that would be nice to never have and shame on Grizelda for acting up when you least need it. I know how you feel needing to get things done and not quite able to get it just right. I have learned that in the rush of company, there is lots of help and they're not as worried about perfection as you are. Don't be afraid to ask for some extra help, and remember, especially this year, the greatest blessing is having you here, not a perfect dinner and house. Most of us would be happy to sit in the yard and eat grass if it meant we could keep you healthy and well. You are loved by so many, and deservedly so. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I hope this week is filled with love, appreciation and gratefulness for all of our wonderful blessings. Pace yourself with lots of breaks so you will be able to enjoy your holiday, so you will have wonderful memories, not massive fatigue, disappointment and frustration because you tried to do way too much. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, as I know this is easier said than done! Love you bunches, Cathie

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your toothache. That can be horrible pain. I don't have the energy that I used to and also can't work as much or as long and often feel frustrated. I remember telling my mother to pace herself and now I need to do the same.
