Monday, November 30, 2009

Life! Isn't It About Family?

My heart is always full, but today it is overflowing. Saturday our 30th grandchild was born. Both mother and son are doing well and John Gregory Ferguson’s three siblings are excited to welcome him home. What a miracle birth is!

I know that many sorrow because they can’t have children or don’t have as many as they want. I don’t pretend to understand why so many wonderful people who would be such amazing parents can’t have children, but I do know that God will bless them and that at some point they will have many, many children. As the Psalmist said, “Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward” (Psalm 127:3). I have been blessed with many children and grandchildren in this life, and I rejoice greatly in that blessing. But I also know that because children are “an heritage of the Lord,” those of you who now sorrow for the lack of children will be compensated in this life and blessed in the next with the reward of children.

There is so much we don’t understand. That’s where faith comes in. But this much I do understand; God loves us and will make everything all right if we just trust in Him. We don’t understand, but He does. We can’t see the end, but He can. We can’t begin to comprehend the marvelous blessings, but He is waiting to bestow them upon us. Because of Him my heart is full!


  1. Sherrie - he's so cute! I can't wait to meet him. I am so excited I looked at your blog and saw the pics since Daniel hasn't sent us any yet! They sure make cute kids! Hugs and congratulations on number 30!

  2. Sherrie, this is Terri Smith Brown, Dianne Smith's daughter and Anissa's friend. I just wanted to thank you for this post. I was just sitting here thinking about how badly I would love another child and feeling quite sorry for myself. I was looking at some of my friends blogs and came upon yours. It is so amazing to me how Heavenly Father works and how he can comfort us when we feel like we cannot handle the pain anymore. Your comments helped to heal my heart and I am so grateful to you and my Heavenly Father for the comfort I received. I hope all is well with you and all of your family. And once again thank you for being in tune with the spirit and giving me the peace I needed.

  3. What sweet pictures. Congratulations again! And thank you for that last paragraph. I sure do appreciate those words of hope and comfort. :)

  4. Congrats! Each birth is a miracle. We rejoice with you. I almost feel like a copy-cat . . . we have the same anniversary and the same number of little treasures. No wonder I like you so much!

  5. What a cute baby, in fact very cute family! I can see why you're so happy. It seems like every time we see or hold a little newborn, it just reaffirms our faith and appreciation for why we are all here, with all of life's problems and challenges. Your post is very uplifting and it makes me very happy to see you so happy. You've had such a challenging year, and to finish it up with an adorable, precious grandson is wonderful!
