Sunday, November 15, 2009

Musings While I Sewed

I was sewing yesterday. My better half went to California (He went there to run a half marathon and came in second in his age group!), and with him gone I could take up the whole kitchen with machine, cutting board, ironing board, and mess. I made Roman shades for my den and since I didn't have a pattern and was just "winging it" I also did a lot of unpicking.

While sewing and unsewing and sewing again I had a lot of thinking time and I began to realize the metaphor in sewing. One little stitich at a time that material soon became a functional window dressing. It took awhile, but stitch by stitch it was accomplished. Mistakes were made, but like the repentance process, I unpicked the incorrect stitches and started over. Process. Patience. Repentance. Begin again. Process. Patience. Isn't that how you make a good life?

I think that now every time I look at those shades, I'm going to think about life. But with life I have a pattern given to me by the Savior and if I just follow it, I won't have any unpicking to do! What a blessing!


  1. I have unpicked literally miles of incorrect stitching and I have never recognized such a lovely metaphor. I will remember this, and try to unpick with a much better attitude, while I'm at it! Thank you,

  2. Thank you for the metaphor. Now I want to see a picture :) KJQ

  3. Sherrie,

    My name is Natalie. I recently became a "follower" of your blog. I am a huge fan of Spiritually Centered Motherhood. I never thought about becoming spiritually prepared to be a mother until I stumbled across a copy of your book in our ward library. Long story short: I want to buy copies of your book for each of my girlfriends, as a gift, for when the become pregnant with their first child. I've found several sources where Online where I can get the book used, but wanted to know if I can buy it NEW anywhere?

    I know you're a terribly busy woman, but would appreciate the reply. Thanks!

    Natalie Zundel

  4. Natalie, Thank you for your kind words! I appreciate them. And yes, you can buy new books from me. I'll email you the details. Thanks again!

  5. I have always disliked picking out stitches, but I have always done it for the higher goal of a nice looking finished project. Now that I think of it, trying to overcome my weaknesses is very similar! Repentance (overcoming character weaknesses) takes incredible patience and diligence, is not fun, but definitely worth the effort for the finished project!
